Chapter 5

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Back at the Five-O HQ, everyone was busy working out different angles on the case that we had just been handed.

"Hey Steve," Chin said walking into my office, "We have a name for our John Doe."

I closed down my laptop and followed Chin out to our main desk area that was right in the center of our HQ. On the TV screen in front of me was a picture of our victim.

"His name is Colin Pavol," Chin said, "He moved to the island about a year ago from New York. According to this, his only living relative that he had left died 2 months ago."

"Okay," I said, "What about his occupation?"

"He worked as a salesman for a small computer company here," Chin said, "I reached out to his boss, and she described Colin as hard working, kind and one of the best salesmen she had."

"Any enemies with that job," Danny asked.

"The boss said that everyone got along great and couldn't think of anyone at the company that would want to hurt Colin," Chin said.
"I also reached out and talked a bit to the landlord," Lou said, "He said that Colin never missed a payment, was always a quiet tenant and got along with all of his neighbors."

"Alright," I said, "Have we looked into his bank accounts?"

"From what we can see," Chin said typing on the table in front of him, "Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Hey," Kono said walking into the HQ, "I just got off the phone with CSU, shortly after we left, they found a false floorboard and on the inside, they found about 10 different passports."

Kono typed on the table and pulled up several photos.

"Michael Harris, Jason Richardo, Kyle Ryans," Danny said, "He was clearly trying to disappear numerous amounts of times. Maybe he is on some mobs hit list. Or maybe he is on some terrorist hit list."

"Kono did you manage to pull anything off of that security camera," I asked.

"Nothing that would help," Kono said, "Take a look."

We looked up at the screen to see a very fuzzy camera pointed at the nearby bushes where the back door to the apartment is. The time on the screen read 1:32 and then jumped to 1:45.

"Woah," I said, "What happened there?"

"The landlord said that the camera is brand new and there had been no issues with it in the past," Kono said, "So I am thinking that the killer tampered with the camera before they walked across it."

"Okay," I said, "Let's see if Jerry can't give us back those 13 minutes that we lost, and then let's do a bit more digging into why Colin was on the run."


I was given an assignment.

I somehow how to find a way to hack a security camera to get back some time that was lost due to someone else hacking the camera. I sat at the kitchen table in Catarina's apartment, typing away on the computer and fully invested in getting pass the multiple firewalls.

"What are you up to," Catarina said walking in through her front door, "I figure that you would still be at the office."

"I was," I said not looking up from the screen, "But everything was distracting me from working so I came here."

"Do you want me to leave," she asked hugging me from behind, "Am I too much of a distraction?"

"You are never a distraction," I said kissing her on the lips.

She smiled and then said, "So, what exactly are you working on?"

"This poor guy was killed this afternoon, and the killer managed to hack the outside security camera and now I have to basically re-due the hacking that he did."

"Can it be done," Catarina said from the kitchen.

"Well probably not," I said leaning back in my chair, "But I promised McGarrett I would give it my all, so."

"So what was the guy's name that died," Catarina said walking back to the dining room with two beers, "Anyone that I would know?"

"Probably not," I said opening a beer, "I think his name was Colin Pavol. Something like that."

"Hm," she said sipping her beer, "Can't say I know him. How did he die?"

I looked at Catarina.

"What," she said, "Your job is so thrill-seeking compared to my job."

"I actually don't know how he died," I said, "Steve never told me."

"Well clearly he was murdered in some way or else Five-O wouldn't be involved," she said standing up, "But I will not get into it with you. I am going to shower and then going to bed. You staying the night?"

"If that's alright with you," I said smiling at her.

"Sure," she said, "Just don't stay up too late."

She gave me a kiss on the head before retreating to her bedroom in the back of her apartment.


Colin was dead. I stood in the shower for almost an hour and a half thinking about what could have possibly gone wrong. What did I do wrong?

Nothing, Catarina. You did nothing wrong. You knew that it was a matter of time before Colin would wind up dead. You knew the risks and so did he. You warned him about Sabin and Vaughn being in town. So if anything, it was Colin's fault for getting himself killed. Yeah. His fault. Not yours.

I turned off the shower and stepped out. After drying off and brushing my hair and teeth. I slipped into some black leggings and black tank top and made my way out of my bathroom and to my connected small bedroom. Jerry was already in bed and snoring away.

You would think that it would be annoying and it was at first. But after awhile, it is sort of calming in a way. I looked over at the electric clock that was by the bed stand, it read 9:35 pm. I threw my towel down on the bed and walked out back to the main part of my apartment. Putting on a pair of white Converse tennis shoes, I walked out into the humid Hawaiian night air and down the stairs to the parking lot. I hopped into my small beat-up blue Honda Civic and drove out of my parking lot and onto a Sunset St.

After driving for about 20 minutes, I pulled off into a warehouse district area. Stopping my car at Warehouse 12 and getting out. I got to the rusty green door and knocked twice.

"Whose there," Sabin asked through the door.

"It's me," I said.

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