Chapter 18

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Two days had come and gone and Catarina still hadn't woken up. Doctors and nurses came in to check on her and they said that she will awake in time. The breathing tube was removed and she was fitted with a nasal cannula. Five-O hadn't stopped by since we had brought Catarina in, but it was only because they were busy tracking down Vaughn. They had placed an APB out on him, as well as alerting TSA and Coast Guard. He wasn't going to get off of this island. 

During the mid-afternoon of the third day, I began to see movement with Catarina.

"Cat," I said going to her bedside, "Hey I'm here."


All I could see was darkness. 


No response back to me. 

Hello? Is anyone there?

Suddenly out of the darkness, I could see a spotlight over a figure of a man. 

Hey! Over here. 

I began to notice myself walking toward the figure. With every step I took, I got closer and closer until I could make who it was.


Colin stood there just staring off into space. 

Colin...are you okay?

I reached out to grab his shoulder and he turned around to face me. His eyes were whited out and he had a thin cut across his neck. I took a few steps back when he turned around, he didn't make a sound. He just looked at me.

Your suppose to be dead.

Me dead, he said  back, I can't be dead. You are my protector. You made a promise to me that nothing would happen to me.

I am so sorry Colin, I said, You have to understand that I did everything in my power to keep you safe. But--.

But you couldn't, he said,  You broke the only promise you ever made me. So tell me, was it Sabin that delivered the deadly slice?

I tried you keep you safe, I said,  Please forgive me. I just got so wrapped up.

In what, he said, In Jerry? Tell me something, why did you fall for him? Was he just a rebound after Sabin?

My face fell.

Oh, he said, You didn't tell Jerry that you and Sabin were involved. How juicy.

Shut up, I said, You aren't real. None of this is real. You are just a figment of my imagination.

Oh this is all too real, Cat, Colin said, You haven't told Five-O or even Jerry everything. You didn't tell them that you and Sabin were romantically involved for 3 years while you are on the compound. 


How do you think they will look at you, he said, How do you know that Jerry doesn't already know?

"CAT," Jerry screamed in the darkness. 

I looked back to the place where the scream had come from and when I went back to look at Colin, he was close to my face. 

The truth will come out. 

He then gave me a slight push which made me fall back and awaken with a jolt. 

Jerry sat on my right and a doctor whose name tag read "Dr. Ano" with two nurses were to my left.

"Where am I," I said trying to sit up.

"Take it easy Miss. Martinez," Dr. Ano said, "You are recovering from a pretty serious gun wound."

I looked down at my left arm and saw that it was in a sling. But I found myself unable to move my hand in the sling.

"Why can't I move my hand," I sad looking down at the sling.

"There was some slight nerve damage due to the bullet hitting a main artery," Dr. Ano said, "But you should be able to get some mobility back in the hand within a few months."

"Great," I said putting my head back into my pillow.

"But your alive," Jerry said, "Let's just keep that in mind."

"Jerry is correct," Dr. Ano said, "Giving the amount of blood you lost and the extensive damage, you drew the luck of draw."

I gave a smile to all in the room.

"Well since everything seems to be in order," Dr. Ano said, "We will leave you alone. Let us know if you need anything else."

"Thanks Dr. Ano," I said as he left the room with the two nurses. 

When the door shut behind them, Jerry and I sat in the room in absolute silence.

"I guess you deserve an explanation," I said looking down.

"What is there to explain," Jerry said, "You kept a huge secret from me and I had to find out from my kidnappers what you were and what you did in Russia for 10+ years."

"It isn't exactly something I go around advertising," I said, ""Hi my name is Catarina, oh by the way I was a scout for a Russia hit group.""

"Anything though, Cat," he said, "I could have protected you. I could have prevented all of this from happening."

"Trust me Jerry, no you couldn't have," I said, "Sabin and Vaughn would have found a way. They always have."

"Well now we will never know," he said crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry Jerry," I said, "Please know that I wanted to tell you. I really did. But when I left that compound, I tried everything to live a normal life. And when Sabin came back into my life, I couldn't let him destroy what I had here."

Jerry just looked at me. 

"From here on out no more secrets," I said placing my right hand on his upper left arm, "That is a promise." 

Jerry then leaned back and then asked, "What about the relationship you had with Sabin?"

My face went blank.

"Come on Cat," he said, "You said no more secrets." 

I took a deep breath and said, "Sabin and I both were on the compound at the same time. You know this. When I was about 15 years old, he and I became romantically involved. We were on and off all the way up until I escaped the compound."

"Did you love him," Jerry asked.

I moved my mouth from side to side trying to hold back the tears, "It meant nothing. I was young. He was the only guy on the compound who made me feel special."

Jerry let out a scoff and got up.

"Jerry," I cried, "Please."

Just as Jerry was about to walk out, Five-O walked in.

"Hey," Steve said, "We heard someone was awake."

"Jerry," I said ignoring Steve, "Please. Let me explain."

"You explained enough," he said, "You clearly loved Sabin over me."

Jerry pushed past Five-O.

"Whoa, what is going on," Steve said looking back at Jerry walked out.

"Ask her," Jerry said walking out of the room.

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