Chapter 2

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Hello! Hello!

Welcome to Chapter 2! I just want to say thank you for reading this fanfic! The first few chapters are going to be short, but don't worry they get longer as the story builds up!


I was nervous.

I mean I feel like that is the natural reaction to have when you are going out with anyone that you have a crush on. I even arrived early to the bar to get us a nice table. The table was located with a great view of the beach, right up next to the bamboo gate that separated the outside from the beach. I sat there, nervously twisting my beer around on the coaster. I begin to feel the tie that was around my neck getting tighter.  

Just breath. 

Within a few minutes, I saw Catarina walk in. She was wearing the most beautiful blue plain dress that hugged her slim figure. Her brown curly was let down and she was wearing the most redist shade of lipstick. 

"Hey Catarina," I said sticking up my hand. 

She smiled and walked over to me. 

"What amazing seats," she said overlooking the beach, "What did you do? Pay off of the maitre d' to get them?" 

I let out a chuckle and said, "You got me."

The waiter then came over and Catarina ordered a glass of white wine. 

"So," she said as the waiter set down her drink, "Tell me, what is it like working for the Five-O Taskforce?"

"It has its moments," Jerry said, "On my end, it is a lot of tracking and hacking. Or finding out information that Five-O perhaps oversaw. I am not the one out in the fields like the rest of the team is." 

"And that guy that was in the room with you this morning," she asked sipping her wine, "One of your co-workers?"

"Steve McGarrett," I said sipping my beer, "My boss. And one of the most badass people you will ever meet."

"Former military," she asked.

"Yeah," I said with a look of confusion, "How did you know that?"

"Tattoos and he reminded me of my father," she said looking toward the beach. 

"Your father was Navy," I asked. 

"Yup, Captain Travis Martinez, Navy SEAL for several years before he passed away."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, "Line of duty?"

"Nope," she said shaking her head, "Some dumbass kid with a Glock who was trying to rob him and forgot that the safety was off."

I began to see a tear falling down her face, she then quickly wiped it away and said, "Four tours in Afghanistan and he dies at the hands of some kid looking to make a quick buck."

I didn't know what to say, I kept my mouth shut, just sipping my beer and allowing her to vent out whatever rage she had about her father's death. 

"Did they ever find the kid," I eventually asked.

"Yeah," she said nodding her head, "They found him 2 days later in some abandoned apartments."

 She laughed and then spoke again, "Great topic for a first date."

I then laughed along with her and said, "Better than the conversations we have at work."

The rest of the date went by so quickly, the conversations that we had ranged from her telling about her summer vacations she took with her parents to the great Niagara Falls. To me telling her about why I think Big Foot was real.

After that night, I drove her back to her apartment. I pulled up to the front of the building and put my car into park. 
"I had a really good time tonight," she said, "Thank you for listening to me about my dad. My mom refuses to talk about it so it is nice to finally talk about it with someone."

"It's what I do best," I said smiling at her. 

She smiled back and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"I will see you tomorrow at the coffee shop," she said opening the door.

"Uh-huh," I said dumbfoundedly.

When she shut the door, I watched as she walked into her apartment building. I giant smile stayed on my face as I drove off back to my place. 


The next morning after stopping off at the coffee shop to say hi to Catarina, I walked into the Five-O HQ where I saw Steve, Danny, and Lou talking. 

"Well look who it is," Lou said, "Mr. Romeo himself. How did the date go?"

"It went great," I said smiling, "We just went to an open bar and talked for a few hours, I drove her back to her place and that was it."

"What's so great about that," Danny asked, "You went to a bar and took her home? How is that a date? We do that every other week."

"Danny," Steve said, "Have some heart alright? Clearly, it went well because I can see she left some lipstick on your lips from the kiss you gave her this morning."

I wiped away at my mouth and said, "Shoot."

They all let out a chuckle and Steve said, "I am happy for you, Jer. You finally found someone."

"Now the question is," Lou said, "How long till the wedding?" 

We all laughed again. 

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