3) He saved me

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Emilys pov.

I quickly ran leaving Jace and his men in the alley.  Im late they are going to kill me. When I get home I opened the door cautiously to see my father waiting for me with a bat in his hands. He walked towards me menacingly like a predator does to its prey. I fell to the ground knowing I couldn't fight back otherwise it would be worse. "Look its the whore who killed her mother she was supposed to die not her mother. Where were you  whore were you with men again. I don't know what they see in you you are just a worthless ugly slut who's a murderer. " he shouts anger in his eyes. Tears stream down my face my own father hates me and its because its my fault my mother died. I killed her. I look up to see a knife In his hand and my father twirling it around. He lifts my top up and carves worthless in my back and then stabs me in my stomach. I couldn't feel anything at first until he twists it around and pulls it out. The pain is worser than anything I've felt before.

He was going to stab me again when someone bursts through the door and grabs his hand punching him. My father's knocked out and my visions going blurry. Im not going to survive I know it. Arms go around my waist carefully lifting me up and I see men dragging my father out. I am slowly falling out of consciousness when I hear "im sorry princess I should have been here sooner but I promise I will protect you".

Jaces pov.

It took an hour for my men to find my princess and when we did I took the fifty most strongest men with me and we went in out black range rovers to my princesses house. When we arrived I was getting impatient I could hear screaming and crying coming from inside. I kicked the door down and what I saw mad me see red. He stabbed my princess and was carving words into her beautiful body. I quickly punched him knocking him out and then turned to my girl to see her falling out of consciousness.  I carefully picked her up making sure I didn't touch her injuries and got my men to drag the pathetic man who was hurting my baby. I carried her into the car bridal style and got James my best friend to speed us to the gang house.

Once we got there I ran to the doctors room and shouted the doctor whilst putting her on the bed. The doctor rushed around me getting surgical equipment blood bags and anaesthetic along with an oxygen mask. She pushed me out of the room so she could help my baby girl but I was angry and worried. I ran to the dungeons where I kept my prisoners and went to the prison where we kept the man who hurt her. " who the hell are you and why the fuck were you hurting my princess" I shouted the ground shaking beneath me.  "Your princess huh you can have anyone you want so why do you want a whore and a murderer and I can't believe that waste of space is my daughter" he spat. I got my gun and shot him in the privates watching him groan in pain." Your daughter isn't any of those things I cant believe you I am going to torture you in the worst ways possible until you beg for death" I spat menacingly and walked away.

2 weeks later (still in Jaces pov)

Its been two weeks and my baby girl hasnt woken up yet she is in a coma and the doctors say that she might not wake up. I have been with her the whole time hardly eating or sleeping. I know I hardly know her but I love her. The only time I left was to drink or to torture her father.  I got Emma my twin sister to buy my girl clothes and necessities for when she wakes up. " I know I don't know you princess but I miss you and I need you I want you to wake up please don't leave me " I say my voice weak and tears falling out my eyes.  I climb in bed beside her and cuddle with her weary of her injuries resting my head in her heart. The heartbeats enveloping me into a deep peaceful sleep.

Emilys pov.

I can hear voices around me but I can't move. I feel dead am I dead. I heard a voice pleading me to wake up and tears falling on me. I want to know who it is but its like im trapped and frozen unable to move. I start panicking and can hear beeps. I focus on opening my eyes and open them to see im in a room I've never been in. Where am I this isn't my house. I do the only thing I can think of I scream really loud and a head pops off my chest causing me to scream louder. I look up to see men im the room pointing guns causing me to scream once again and for them to groan. I look back at the guy who was with me on the bed and realise it's Jace.  All these people are staring at me and are making me scared I crawl closer to Jace and hug him shaking. "J-Jace help me please these people are going to hurt me" I cry scared that they are like my father. He strokes my hair comforting me and says "princess they aren't going to hurt you they helped me save you please don't cry it pains me" I slowly nod and look up to see everyone looking at me with pain. "I-its ok im ok now thank you for helping me" I say with appreciation. I feel safe happy and loved ...

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