Chapter 5

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"What's your worst nightmare," he whispered as he took another step, leading the dance.

"To turn into my father," she answered, swaying their bodies to the gentle music. Her hand was placed on his shoulder while his was on her waist. And their other paired together, finger laced. "Nothing could be worse."


"How about you?" She asked as they took another step. "Do we share the same? Because I have a feeling we do?"

He chuckled as he let her spin. "Talk about outrageous things in common." Smiles were exchanged and the atmosphere was nothing less but perfect. "But no."

The woman raised an eyebrow, smirking playfully. "Oh, really now?"

"What is it then?"

She was merely having a banter, but the man had a solemn expression on his face. He was glancing down, eyes fixed on their steps, deep in thought. "For now, my nightmare would be that one day," he leaned in and touched her forehead with his, gazing right in her eyes, "this dream would end."

"That I'd lose you," he finished, dreading that he even had to say those words.

She was taken back by his confession but slowly a smile made its way to her lips as she pressed them to his faintly, but it was enough for him to close his eyes at the affection. Then she whispered her response to his lips. "That would never happen."

The couple slowly opened their eyes as the woman promised to him with the ghost of a smirk lurking on her lips. "I intend to keep you."

That made a grin erupt from the man's lips  and a small laugh followed as he turned her, pressing the woman's back to his front as he swayed her to the beat of the song. "I can only hope."

He turned her once more. This time with his hand on her cheek and the other on her waist, keeping her close. Her hands reaching to hold his face in her own hands. His eyes met hers and no moment could ever be more perfect.  He whispered out their oaths to one another before he reached down to for another kiss. "You're mine and I'm yours."

Loki woke up in cold sweat. It was just a dream. It wasn't real. He sat up from his bed and placed his head in his hands, feeling the familiar tears make their way down his cheeks. The same memory has been haunting him ever since he had that talk with her. It started as something beautiful, something to be thankful for. That, at least, in a dream, he was still with her. But after a few days have passed, it became a painful reminder. That that memory was only a memory and it will only happen in his dreams from now on. And that there was a chance that he'll only experience it in his dream. And he knows there was nothing worse than that.


Loki walked toward the hallways, meeting his brother who was talking to Valkyrie and Bruce. The two said their greeting and Thor had a good look on his brother. He placed hand on his shoulder and inspected his face while Loki only looked at him questioningly. But Thor could see the dark circles under his eyes. "You look tired, brother."

"Did you not sleep well? A nightmare?" Thor asked again, to which Loki only smiled and shook his head. "A dream actually."

Thor have just gotten more confused but sometimes Loki does that to him so he only nodded. He then continued about the conversation he was having with Valkyrie and Bruce, eager to let his brother join the conversation but Loki politely refused. "Excuse me, I have somewhere to be."

"Where are you going, Loki?" Bruce asked, curious as to what Loki was rushing to go.

"Probably off to see the queen," Valkyrie teased with her arms crossed on top of her chest.

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