Chapter 3

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"You must've already known about what happened to Asgard," Loki started.

"Ragnarok," she whispered to herself, a finger tapping on her lower lip as the story started to unfold. Her eyes glazed over the multiple books decorating the shelves before she turned her head towards the two princes, "it has come, hasn't it?"

"Yes." Thor nodded.

"I was wondering how long it would take," she whispered to herself, remembering the prophecy once told on the subject. She faced the two and had a sorrowful expression on.  "I am very sorry to hear that."

"It's alright we've saved our people, Asgard is not a place," Thor started, glancing to his brother. The allfather's words in his mind. "It is the people."

[Y/N] smiled as she heard those words, knowing that he has spoken like a true wise king. Loki himself looked pleased from his brother's words. Thor has truly grown a lot from the stories that Loki had told her years before. Loki has told her how much of an oaf Thor was when he first came in Aikenheim but clearly a lot has changed.

[Y/N] moved back to her shelf, scanning the titles before reaching a book named, "Asgard". She scanned the pages before ultimately opening to the one with the word of Ragnarok. She placed the tip of her finger on the pages as she skimmed through the words.

"So who has brought Ragnarok to Asgard?" She asked once she reached the part about the destruction of Asgard. It was said to be by Surtur, sometimes giant beings, or the old gods. [Y/N] glanced up to the brothers who were having a conversation with their eyes on who to answer the question. "That part was never made clear."

"Hela, our sister," Thor muttered, a little quirk in his lips. Even he wasn't all that comfortable with the idea of him having a sister, and an older one at that.

"Sister?!" [Y/N] repeated, the new information caught her out of guard. She had been wondering who would bring Ragnarok and a third Odinson was definitely not one of her guesses.

"Our father was very talented in covering things up." Loki pursed his lips as he nodded. He was sure she was as surprised as they were.

The queen chuckled, remembering her impression of the allfather years back.  Odin seemed stiff and stoic on his throne and the only welcoming presence there was Frigga who stood by his side. He was a wise king, no doubt about that. He was fair with his decisions when it needed to be but she sensed there was something off about him the first time they met. "I always knew Odin was hiding something. But I didn't suspect it to be a child."

"She's actually older than us," Loki muttered. [Y/N] turned her head towards him, a bit shocked to which Thor quickly added, "Much older. It happened before Loki and I. And she was trapped in a cage the whole time."

"Oh. I get it then." [Y/N] nodded, slightly understanding the wrath of the woman they talked about. It was most likely Odin has caged her in exile and that could really damage a person to the point to cause Ragnarok.

"That's why I never trusted him, respected, yes, but trust is a bit more complicated." Her tone sounded almost wistfully as she reminisced on her own memories.

"You knew?" Loki's forehead creased as he took a step forward. [Y/N] nodded, knowing she never had told him about that. "A great king always has his fair share of secrets. It's only a matter of what are those secrets."

"Us, Aikians, always did pride ourselves for seeing past such things," she went on with her eyes cast downwards, a subtle smile playing on her lips in pride. Such morals were always taken highly in their culture. Loki couldn't help but smile himself as he gazed at her. He could see her radiating in a glow that he hasn't seen in so long that he couldn't stop his tongue.

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