Chapter 4

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"What happened?" Thor has kept on asking his brother who just flat out ignored him. It's been a day and from the look on Loki's face, he can only assume that it didn't go so well. And they can't really have themselves get kicked out of that realm at the moment. "What did you do?"

"Get off my back, Thor." Loki deadpanned, continuing to saunter forward while Thor tried his best to keep up. But Loki really didn't need to be annoyed at that moment. Thor was being especially pesky today. "You may be my brother but not my father."

"Loki, don't joke about this," Thor scolded, grabbing Loki's arm to stop him from walking away and ignoring him. "Did you do anything?"

"Okay, I may have went to [Y/N]," Loki sighed out, defeated.

"And?" Thor asked, trying to figure out what he was supposed to say next. Just really hope he didn't anger or annoy the queen of Aikenheim. "Please tell me that's it."

"Please tell me we're not getting kicked out of the realm." Loki rolled his as a response, his hand went to his face and pinch the bridge of his nose. He was really coming to terms that Thor would always have that idiocy in him.

"I asked for things to go back to the way they were," Loki muttered to his hand, Thor nodded, following. "Okay."

"Ultimately, she told me to forget about it," Loki sighed as he concluded. He glanced up to his brother, expecting a good reaction, only to find Thor puzzled.

"That's it?" Thor asked, sounding a little too disappointed for Loki's taste. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you hoping for more juicy details?"

"There you two are!" Valkyrie's voice boomed across the room. The brothers turned to see the woman in Aikian clothing, surely the helpers has gotten to her and she didn't want to offend the queen by saying no to the honor of wearing their clothes. "I've been trying to find you two for an hour."

"What are you holding?" Thor pointed to the vial in Val's hand to which she raised happily. "Aikian mead is superior. It's amazing."

She raised it to her lips and dunked another sip. Before putting it down, remembering why she came. "They're holding an announcement. Everyone's invited. Both of you are top of the list." Valkyrie went on, pointing at the two's face. It was actually pretty stupid the two didn't know themselves of the event. Everyone has been talking about it ever since the posters were up. They probably just had too much on their plate.

"That was quick," Thor commented, remembering how the only arrived about a day ago. Loki nodded, leading the way as he explained. "Aikians pride themselves for being dutiful; they don't procrastinate work when it can be done as soon as possible."

"We have something in common then." Thor grinned, to which Val scowled and Loki cringed. "Thor, no."


"They changed the old death arena to be an auditorium," Thor gasped in awe while he did a full circle, enraptured by the majestic design of it all. He could remember the pictures in Asgard about the dreadful death arena of Aikenheim, about how the blood in its walls never dried. But now he could see just how far this realm has come.

"Clever, isn't it?" Loki smiled, remembering his own awe when he first came. "They didn't want to be ashamed of their past so they changed a place that only revolved around death and war to one they can showcase how strong Aikenheim's bond is by being the place the queen announces and talks to her people freely. A very smart and amazing change."

"How do you know all that?" Val asked, a bit curious about how he knows so much about this realm's history.

"[Y/N] has told me when I first came here." Loki couldn't stop the smirk on his lips while he answered, proud.

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