Chapter 1

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[A/N: I've posted this one on my Tumblr after I watched Thor: Ragnarok and now after IW I felt like I had to post this here too. Enjoy~❤️️]

"So, where do we go now?" Thor asked out of the blue, after a few moments of sitting on that chair. He was just staring at the glass in front of him before he realized him and the people of Asgard literally had nowhere to go. He then faced the people by his side. "I don't know where we're going."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Loki squinted at him, not over all pleased that that was what he was hearing out of Thor right now. When he just thought Thor was becoming kingly and finally deserve the throne, he does something like this. He just felt a headache coming in. "Come on Thor, you're the one on the throne."

"Well that doesn't mean I have an idea," Thor defended, honestly having no idea. "Let's have a discussion then, anyone have any ideas?"

Thor went to look at everyone before his gaze fell onto Valkyrie who shook her head quickly. "Don't look at me."

"Hulk can't help," Hulk grunted out once the attention fell on him.

"I would volunteer my planet but we won't exactly be welcomed with hospitality, probably as food I guess but I'm guessing you guys don't want that," Korg politely piped up at the side, wanting to be part of the conversation.

"We don't," Heimdall answered, most likely seeing the fact that it would be a bad idea.

"I have no ideas then. Sorry," he retracted as he fixed his hold on his slug friend at his side.

Thor sighed. He really needed some good ideas right about now. He was so busy trying to defeat Hela that he didn't even think of where they can go now. "We can't keep wandering into space. Any idea will be welcome, brother?-"

His gaze fell onto Loki. He looked thoughtful, with his fingers tapping on his lips as he had that look on his face, the one that Thor knew all too well. Everyone was alerted when Thor pointed at his brother with an excited grin. "I know that face. This is amazing. I know that face!"

Loki turned at him confused and so what the others. "What face?" Loki asked, halfway convinced that Thor has lost it.

"That face! You have that face when you've thought of something. Come on, brother, tell me!" Thor exclaimed excitedly. The others were confused yet curious. Loki denied it but slowly gave in as he sighed.

"I do have an idea," he confessed, testing the waters carefully. He was still unsure if this was even worth mentioning.

"Well then tell us, Loki!" Thor pushed, before looking over to Valkyrie who was confused as hell to explain. "I always loved it when he has that face on, it means he has a good idea..." he trailed before pursing his lips and leaning his head side to side, remembering a bad little detail. "There's a significant chance it won't work and have really bad consequences but still good most of the time."

"There is a chance this one won't work." Loki clenched his teeth, a little annoyed that Thor went to much into detail with that last part. "And I am still weighing if this is actually worth it."

"If he's thinking about conquering some world, I'm all for it," Valkyrie mentioned, shrugging, completely serious about what she said.

"We are not conquering any realm," Thor said, knowing that Valkyrie was serious about that. He looked at Loki, slightly worried. "That's not your idea, right?"

"Of course, it's not." He squinted accusingly at his brother, a bit offended that he would even think that, not that he can blame him. He pursed his lips, weighing their choices, still not sure whether this decision will end well for them. "This one is both the easiest and hardest option I can think of. But it is not our safest choice."

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