~Chapter 11~

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Authors Notes:
Chapter 11 is here
Hope you enjoy...

"Who is that?" Jughead held Betty tight and stared at his father.
"Let me in you low-life Serpents. Give me my daughter back!" Betty's mothers voice screeched through their ears.
"Jug." Betty whispered and everything went blurry and foggy.
"Betty, Jug go and hide in the bedroom." Fp whispered. They both stood up and the bangs got louder, the screaming got louder, the pain got louder. Betty froze in the middle of the room. She couldn't move, She couldn't speak, She was powerless.
"Jug what's happening to her, she needs to hide." Fp whispered "I don't want her to get hurt, I care so about her too Jug. Get her in that room."
Jughead didn't know what to do so he delicately lifted her up, bridal style, and carried her off to the bedroom. He sat on the bed, and the girl sat still in his lap as he stroked her hair and whispered in her ear.
"It's going to be okay baby"

"Let me in now Fp" Alice tried to barge through the door but he held her back
"Alice you can't enter my home and trash it without permission. I assure you if I knew where Betty was then of course I would tell you. I'm not a scumbag" He lied.
"You have her, that stupid, no good boy has her and I want her back."
"What to abuse her." Fp snapped.
"What did you just say about me, about my daughter."
"I care more about Betty than you ever have Alice, she is like my
daughter-in-law , I hope she will be one day." He said. When they heard that Jughead kissed Betty's forehead and chuckled.
"Don't you dare say that, let me talk to your son."
"It's past midnight, he's asleep."
"I bet. When I come back, which I will, I will have a search warrant." With that Alice walked off and all was calm.

Fp came into the room to find Betty sitting on Jughead's lap with her head in his chest and crying and Jughead stroking her hair and just whispering to her.
"Betty? Are you ok?" Fp said as he crouched down.
She couldn't speak, she just nodded weakly.
"Jug, just this once I'm gonna let you sleep with Betty for the next few nights , to you know make sure she's ok." Fp sighed and walked out of the room.
"Betty?" Jughead whispered.
"Jug. She's coming back and I'm scared." She whispered into his chest.
For once Jughead was unable to help her. For once Jughead didn't know what to do.
"Me too baby, me too. It's nearly 4am we should get to sleep."
"I'm not tired."
"As much as I respect your opinion babe, I don't believe that for one second." He carried her over to the top of the bed and he tucked her up under the covers. He crawled over to the other side of the bed and wrapped himself around her. "Night, Betty." He kissed her forehead and the night went dark and their minds drifted to dreams.

She woke up to brushing on her hair. She rubbed her eyes and shifted around to find her blue-eyed prince staring back at her . He smiled goofily.
"Good morning Jug." She softly pecked his lips.
"Every morning is a good morning when I wake up with you." He smiled and returned the kiss.
"Jug? When did my mom say she was going to come back?" Betty's mind flickered as she didn't know when to expect the thunderstorm also known as Alice Cooper.
"I don't know, but I have a plan. So come on." He pulled her out of bed and dragged her to the sitting room.
"Dad! Family Meeting" Jughead called Betty family. Honestly the word family had never felt so good to her. Fp walked in from the bathroom and started rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"Right. So today we are most likely expecting a storm, in other words Alice Cooper is most likely coming back to kidnap Betty-"
"Woah Jug not that extreme she's not kidnapping me more so ugh- nope you're pretty much right" She shook her head, sighing at the reality of how bad her mother could be.
"So it looks too shady if I'm not here, so Betty if you don't mind I'm gonna ask you to go to Cheryl's while we wait for your mom to come, then she can look around and you won't be here. Also babe if you don't mind you're going to have to take your bag of things so she doesn't find anything."
"I guess I will but have you asked Cheryl ?"
"No.. but she's your cousin and your best friend of course she'll let you go there."
"This is a risky move, my boy, but I'm in. I don't mean to make this sound weird or strange in anyway, but Betty you are like a daughter to me and I would do anything to protect you." He said with all seriousness in the world.
"Thank you Fp." She smiled. "I guess I should start packing again." Betty sighed and walked into the bedroom and started gathering her things. Once she was ready she walked to the door and gave Fp a big hug. Jughead walked her out and led her down the steps. He kept hold of her hand as she began walking away.
"Please be careful beautiful. I know your mom is scary but we'll get rid of her ok." He kissed her like it was the last time he would ever see his beloved. "I love you beautiful."
"I love you too, handsome." She giggled and walked off.

Betty wandered along the streets of Riverdale and held her heart as she thought about Jughead.
"There she is." Someone hissed behind her. Then Betty was pushed to the floor and kicked with a black jimmy choo high heel.
"That's what you get you no good south side scum." Veronica beat Betty. She kicked Betty's stomach a lot, each time a kick was struck onto Betty the harder it was for Betty or move and breathe. Veronica crouched down and punched Betty in the face and her nose started bleeding and her eye began swelling.
"V, maybe that's enough yeah?" A squeak came from behind Veronica.
"No Josie! You said that best friends stick up for each other so you have to stay. And anyway I haven't gone full pussycat on Betty Cooper yet." With that she dug her claws into Betty's face and dragged them down.
She kicked Betty once more and strutted off, cackling. Betty sat in the cold crying , no one was around to help her . She fumbled for her phone and rang Jughead.
"Hey Betty, your mom is gone now so you can come home now, do you need a ride?" He asked.
"Jug... Help..I'm by..oww..please help." She stuttered unable to get words out.
"Where are you Betts? I'm coming out to find you."
"Sw-w-ee-tt-wa" She couldn't speak and as she tired to move she hit her bruised ribs on the floor and dropped the phone. She heard the dial tone and knew she couldn't get back to him.
She led on the floor hurting and crying, when an old lady walked up out of the opening.
"Oh my, are you alright." She walked over and sat next to Betty she held her tight and rocked her back and forth. "Do you have a mother? Father?" Betty just lay still.
"Sweetie , does anyone know you're here?" She shook her head, slowly finally responding to the old woman. "Darling where is your family? A Father?"
"Betty? Betty?" Jughead's voice rang in the distance. "Dad! She's here!" He ran over and quickly followed was Fp.
"Is that your brother and your father sweetie." The old lady let Jughead take me and Fp helped her up.
"I'm her boyfriend, Jughead. And He's-"
"Yes, i'm her sort of father-in-law.Fp Jones." Fp said proudly.
"Well Fp, Jughead you obviously love her so much, and obviously care for her."
"Thank you so much for helping her."
"I wouldn't just leave her sir, but I have to be off now. Goodbye all of you." The sweet lady waddled off and out of sight. Betty sat in Jughead's lap with his arms wrapped around her. She was crying and so was he. He kissed her forehead and rocked her back and forth. He stroked her hair as his tears fell upon her cheeks.
"Betty-Dad we need to go to the hospital, with all the crying as well she's barley breathing." He said in between tears.
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                I hope you enjoyed "Finding Happiness" Chapter 11

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