~Chapter 8~

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Authors Notes:
Chapter 8 is here
Hope you enjoy...

"Son, you need to talk to her. You need to find out what happened. Now as much as I hate to say this, have you seen any scars, cuts or anything?"
Fp asked Jughead quietly as they peered through the door.
"Not any new ones, I checked her palms but they were the same scars as yesterday's." He said, she wasn't asleep she just listened to them and pretended to sleep. The truth was that she was so upset and felt so hurt to even sleep.
"Wait What Jug? She has scars in her palms?"
"Yeah, whenever she is angry, scared, upset, anxious or alone she tightens her fists and digs her nails into her palms. They bleed so much and I don't know what to do- she hurts herself so much- and-and It hursts so much to see her like this . I love her so much, I could never live without her." He took a short breath and then his breathing quickened, he could barley breath as he brokedown in his fathers arms.
"Jug it's okay, she'll be fine. But Jugs if she has hurt her self before she probably has again. Even if it's not on her hands. When she wakes up you need to be there. Get her out of those damp clothes and give her some of yours. She looks too weak to put them on so you will have too. Try and talk to her. I'll call her mo-" Fp talked with a worried tone.
"No. Don't call Alice, I know it's the right thing to do, but I think her family might have something to do with this. She has told me before about how upset her family makes her and how they treat her. If they have hurt her, I don't care whether they're her family I don't want them to know where she is." He lowered his voice to a whisper "When her I put to bed, I went through her bag. She's running away from them. She has clothes, a toothbrush and stuff like that. I then read her diary. A few days ago something happened with her mom and dad. Apparently they locked her in her bedroom because she was out after her curfew, like 3 minutes after or something. It also said, dated about a week ago, that her mother slapped her across the face after Betty said that she hated her mom because her mom keeps shouting, and screaming at her, she also keeps making her take some kind of pills." His voice wavered with pain.
"Oh my gosh. Right I want you to go in there and sit with her, she needs you."
He sat with her for about half an hour until she woke up, she had fallen asleep after he came in. She blinked and rubbed her eyes.
"Jug-?" Betty whispered.
"Betty. Betty are you ok, my princess." He said and stroked her forehead. She nodded slowly and sat up. Jughead scooted closer and sat under the duvet with her. He pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around Betty. Her head nuzzled into his chest.
"Betts, can you tell me what happened." He kissed her forehead.
"Wait are you still cold, do you want to change." She nodded. He helped her up and helped her change out of the wet sweater. He placed one of his "S" shirts over her head and pulled it down. He got a pair of grey joggers from his closet. He looked at Betty and she crouched down slightly and pulled the leggings off, she was barley pulling them down so he put his hands over hers and pulled them off of her. He saw the wound. He shut his eyes and two tears fell down his cheek. He held the joggers out for her to step into. He helped pull them up and then he steered her back into bed. He led on his side, facing Betty, and she led down on her side, facing Jughead, and she snaked her arms around his waist. Her head rested on the pillow. Their eyes locked and she told him everything- She told him about her mom,brother, the sisters of quiet mercy, the cut. The whole time he listened. And he stroked her arm and brushed her hair until she was done.

He sat up and got out of the bed. He walked over to her side and took her hand. He gently pulled her off the bed. He put his arm around her shoulder and took Betty into the living room.
His dad was in there sat on the couch, his face looked like his mind was flying and whirring.
"Hey Betty do you feel better?" He asked with concern in his eyes . He had listened to everything Jughead had said to him, he had listened to everything Betty had said to Jughead just now.
"Yeah, Thank you Mr Jones."
"Betty I overheard your conversation with Jugs, and he told me some things too. Unless you don't want too but I've been thinking that you should come and stay with us." He stated as he smiled genuinely at the girl.
"I would love too, thank you Mr Jones." She beamed, things were finally turning.
"Well good. So I have it all planned. Me and Jug will sleep on the pull out and Betty you take the bedroom- but I mean it now Jug on the couch you in the bedroom, nothing else we don't need any babies." He chuckled.
"Dad!" Jughead looked so embarrassed as he buried his head in her shoulder.
"Mr Jones thank you so much" She was quickly interrupted.
"Please, call me FP. We are roommates now. I'm heading to the whyte wyrm text of you need anything." With that he left. Betty hugged Jughead tightly, she was finally happy.
Betty was unpacking her things in the bedroom when two arms snaked around her waist. She heard a husky tone whisper in her ear.
"Hey roomie." He kissed her neck and she turned to face him. He held her  and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist .
"Hey." She smiled. Their lips pressed against each other and they never wanted to let go of each other. As he parted from her lips he kissed her neck.
"Hey that tickles, stop!" She  protested as he pecked her neck multiple times. He than began tickling her sides and she squealed and got down from him and ran away. He quickly caught her  and wrapped his arms around her waist. He spun her around and tears of laughter rolled down both their  faces. When he put her down they looked up to see a lot of people in the living room. Fp had come home and some of the other serpents had followed him. They were all laughing and playing cards, then they looked up see Jughead- the son of the king, the serpent and the boy they thought was strong and definitely not soft- laughing and spinning around an innocent girl.
"Oh hey guys." Jughead looked embarrassed.
"Ah, the Prince has found a Princess. You two be careful, you are too young, we don't need another Jones." One of the Serpents said. Jughead lowered his head into Betty's shoulder, both of them  felt the same when it came to their relationship. They liked it private when it came to people they didn't know very well.
"Guys this is Betty, Betty these are some of the Serpents." She smiled and said hello and they all nodded back at
her. Then like that they were back to playing cards.

Once the Serpents had gone Betty got ready for bed.
"Goodnight Mr Jones and thank you for letting me stay." She smiled.
Jughead was getting changed into his pyjamas in the bedroom but when she went back there he was already ready.
"Night Jug." She kissed him and climbed into bed.
"Night baby." He closed the door slightly, shut the lights and left the room.
She was finally in a safe place....
Feedback is welcome people.
I hope you enjoyed
   "Finding Happiness" Chapter 8

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