~Chapter 4~

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Authors Notes:
First: I have edited the POV on the last 3 chapters and re-published them.
Second: The rest of the story is in THIRD PERSON.
Chapter 4 is here....
Disclaimer: Please don't come at me or anything for how I have made Veronica's character in this story because it's a STORY, I love Veronica really and I just wanted to mix it up a bit.
Hope you enjoy....

"Betty, do not look now." Kevin said dramatically.

Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews.
They used to be Betty's  best friends last year when Veronica transferred to their  school after her father got arrested in New York. They got along really well with her, she helped Betty become a river vixen, she brought Betty out of her shell but it was all an act. Archie and Betty  had been best friends for like 10 years. They met each other (and Jughead) in Kindergarten. It all started on the monkey bars....

"I bet I can swing faster than you." A small orange haired boy said to his friend.
"I bet you can't." Another little boy said, this one with little black curls which were hidden by a small grey beanie. They both started swinging fast, too fast. They both fell off in an instant and fell to the ground.
"Are you ok." Al title blonde girl said sweetly as she crouched down to help them. Her little blonde ponytail swayed in the breeze.
"Hey. I'm Archie." The little orange one said.
"Hi I'm Jughead." The smaller one with the beanie said.
"I'm Betty." She said. "Wanna play?" They both smiled and from then on it was them  against the world. Whether they  were superheroes saving the world or ninjas fighting bad guys it was all of  them together. Through kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school.

Archie and Betty live next door to each other he moved next door a few weeks after they met which was really neat. As well as that Jughead's dad was Archie's dads business partner so Jug was always over. They  played in the treehouse, the streets, the houses, the gardens, EVERYWHERE.

Veronica Lodge and Betty

But Betty and Archie's friendship
all fell apart when Veronica showed up. She pretended to be nice but she wasn't, not one small bit. Archie liked her. A LOT. She took this and manipulated him and he did anything she wanted him too. Veronica was two-faced and using Betty for Archie. She called her names, humiliated her and ignored her. She also made Archie do these things and because he liked her so much he did. Betty soon got so upset that she stopped talking to Veronica and Archie. Thankfully she still had Jughead.

Jughead and Archie

Jughead and Archie got into a huge fight after Veronica told Archie that it would be funny if he pretended that he liked Betty  and took her  out on a date and tried to kiss her. She said then the next day he should tell the whole school that Betty  forced herself onto him and he was super grossed out by what Betty did.
"Hey Betty do you wanna go out to Pops tomorrow just you and me."
She said yes but just as friends because Betty was with Jughead and she wanted to catch up with Archie. He took her out and nothing happened. NOTHING. But the next day Betty walked into to school and found that taped on her Locker were loads of hurtful comments like
"Eww who would date Betty Cooper."
"Go too hell" "Trash" "slut" and even worse things. Jughead found out that Archie had told people horrible, lies about Betty just so he could hook up with Veronica. Jughead punched Archie in front of the whole school and got himself suspended for a week, just too protect his girlfriend...

The words Kevin said rang through her head, Why shouldn't She turn around? What's happened? Who's here?

"Why?" She said and Betty turned around and locked eyes with the rich, cruel ice queen herself. Her heart rate increased and she felt sweat start to appear. Her fists tightened, her nails pierced into her skin further than they ever had and her mouth twitched. Jughead looked at Betty, he watched her eyes and he peered down and saw her fist, he knew.He quickly took Betty's hands and opened them to find bloodstained palms.
"Betty. Your fists. Come with me a minute." He whispered, before even finishing his sentence he took her hand and took her to the bathroom, his hand was covered with her blood but he didn't care. Even though it was the men's bathroom he didn't even stop to think he rushed in and told Betty to wait by the sink. She stared down at her bleeding hands as Jughead walked into a stall. She heard the whoosh of toilet paper as he stood in there. He came out seconds later with paper in his hands. He walked over to her and took her hand delicately and held it under the running cold tap. He then pressed the paper gently on the cuts to stop the bleeding.
"I'm sorry this paper is the best I can do."
She watched him protect her and care for her as he cleared up her hand.

"Princess? You told me you had stopped this.  How's your hand? You know if you need to talk you can?"
He said with every care in his tone.
For about a year now she had been struggling with a mental illness where she took her anger out on herself. She would clench her fists and dig her nails into her palms. Her hands bleed and she had permanent scars. She had told Jughead about her scars and he took my hands and kissed them she still remembered  his words as he held both her hands together and kissed them "Betty,Whenever you need to talk about anything I'll be here whether it is 1am or whether it's 4pm I will make it to you." He kissed her  hands again and as he lifted his head back up she kissed him slowly.

As he cleaned her hand up she felt tears well up in her  eyes as she watched her boyfriend help her through all all problems. He threw the bloody tissue in the bin and walked back Betty.
"Betts, I don't want you to feel isolated or alone, please I meant it when I said whatever time it is talk to me."
He took her hand and kissed her cheek softly.
" Better now?" He asked as we walked out.
"Much better Jug." She smiled as Betty gripped his hand. They walked through Pops heading back to our booth.
Feedback is welcome people.
I hope you enjoyed    "Finding Happiness" chapter 4

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