~Chapter 9~

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Authors Notes:
Chapter 9 is here
Hope you enjoy....
Please Comment or message me if you want the rest of my story published at once.
Or should I just post everyday or two?

Betty bolted upwards. Her heart was beating fast and her breaths were short and quick. In her mind every moment of the abuse, the cruelty and the pain her mother,father and brother put her through flashed through her brain. She felt the slaps, heard the words, saw the fights and smelt the blood.
She peered around. She
wasn't home. "Where am I?"She thought. Her mind shifted. Then she remembered, Mr Jones and Jughead are letting her stay here. She looked beside her , Jughead wasn't there, where was he.
Her voice was hoarse and she wanted to yell but it came out as a whisper.
Where was he. She heard rustling and movements. Who was awake, who was here. She led down and closed her eyes  trying to shut out the nightmares. She heard a creak as the door was pushed open. She heard footsteps coming closer, she didn't open her eyes but tears fell from her eyes. The footsteps quickened. Until something touched her face. Her whole body jumped and she let out a quick breath and then began panting.
"Betty? Are you ok ." It was Jughead coming to check up on her.
"Jug!?" Her breath slowed and her mind calmed. "You scared me."
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry baby." He kissed her cheek and stroked her face. "Can you lie with me for a bit- until I get to sleep." Betty begged with puppy dog eyes she knew he couldn't resist. He didn't even answer he just climbed over her and got into the bed, she turned to face him and rested her head on his chest. He put his arms around his girlfriend and held her tight.
"Babe, you are freezing." With that he untangled himself from the cuddle and ripped his shirt off. He put it over Betty's head and pulled it down. "You'll get used to the cold, but for now you can double layer." He laughed as he led back down to the place he was before. They cuddled for a few hours until he started to move around. He realised Betty was half asleep so he got up and kissed her forehead.
"I'm going now my love, my dad will be awake soon, it's almost 5 o'clock believe it or not. I love you Betts and I'll see you in a few hours." He exited  as quietly as he could.

In the morning the blond  girl named Betty Cooper sat up after one of the best sleeps she had ever had. She checked her phone and there were 8 messages from her mother:
I mean it Elizabeth Cooper, you tell me where you are right now- do you understand!
You better not be with Jughead Jones.
When you get home you have another thing coming for you young lady.
Your Brother would never do this.
Charles told me you threatened to hurt him because you think that we love him more than we love you.
Elizabeth, you spiteful, horrible girl you just think that you own the place and feel you can do anything you want.
Elizabeth Cooper tell me where you are you need to be punished for what you did to your brother.

Betty sobbed as she read the messages, her mother wasn't worried if Betty was hurt she just cared about Charles. Betty decided she didn't care about her either. She had a new, loving family who cared about her, so she got up and walked in to the living room.
"Hey Betty, how are you?" Mr Jones said as he gave her a bowl of cereal.
"Thanks Fp. And I'm good."
"Betty did you hear anything last night 'cause I did. Sounded like a boy walk into the bedroom last night." He glanced at Jughead and smiled.
"Maybe it was just me who heard it. Anyways Jug where's your shirt, I'm sure you had one on last night?" Fp knew Jug had went in the room Betty was in last night, so he teased them about it.
"Umm- I got too hot and took it off. I must of thrown it back there somewhere." Jughead didn't know what to do.
"Say- it kinda looks like that one Betty's got on?" He teased again.
"Oh yeah must be the same brand."
Jughead was guessing on what to say at this point.
"Jug? Come on son I know I'm not as smart as you but I'm not an idiot."
"Fine. But I only went in there to check on her. NOTHING Happened."
Jughead came over and sat next to Betty and ended the conversation with his father.
"Have you spoken to your mom?" He asked as he stole a spoonful of Betty's cereal.
"No, but she's texted me. A lot." I huffed. "I'll tell her I'm at Toni's. She doesn't know where she lives, and can't get into contact with her grandfather or mother."
"Alright. Do you want me to get your phone?" He asked, stealing more of her cereal. He chuckled as he took more spoonfuls of her breakfast.
"Hey quit it." Betty laughed, he brought another spoonful out of the bowl and as he held it up to his mouth, Betty ate the food on the spoon.
"Hey now, that is foul play." He laughed and took some off her spoon and more from the bowl. They were both laughing in their little play argument.
"Hey! Jughead Jones the third get your butt up here and make your own breakfast." Fp joined in on the joke. As he collected up some stuff in the kitchen. "I'm off to work. Behave."
Jughead laughed and made his own cereal. He walked back to the couch, with a mixing bowl full of cereal and milk. He laughed to himself as he spooned his cereal into his mouth, with a ladle.
"Oh my god!" Betty scoffed. She decided to get back at him, so she placed her bowl on the coffee table and took his right out of his hands. Then proceeded to eat his breakfast.

"Hey, hey that is unacceptable." He laughed. "You eat my breakfast, then I'll-" He stopped speaking and began gently kissing her neck. He kissed her neck all the way from her ear to her collarbone.
"Jug!" She squealed and put the cereal on the table and climbed onto his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and just gazed into his bright blue eyes. He stared back and she saw stars gleam in his eyes as they spun around and twirled.
"I love you."
"I love you, Betty Cooper, you are my favourite person." He said.
"I should probably call my mom" Betty said.
"Ok let's get your phone then." He laughed. He stood up and stayed holding her.She wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the kitchen counter where she had left her phone.

"Jug." Betty laughed. He placed her on the counter and stood between her legs. He wrapped his arms around her waist and waited.
"Go on then" He rested his elbow on her leg and leant on his hand. He watched Betty dial the number and he fiddled with her hair.
"Hey mom-
"Elizabeth Cooper where are you. When you get home say goodbye because you won't be seeing outside of the four walls of your bedroom ever again."
"I'm at Toni's."
"Who? Oh what that stupid pink haired serpent, no I won't allow it. Come home NOW."
"No. I'm not coming home anytime soon. I'm happy here." Jug smiled and placed his hand on Betty's knee.
"I love you"Betty mouthed.
"I love you too." He whispered.
"Who was that? Are you with Jughead? You are aren't you."
"No that was Toni saying goodbye to her mom."
"Bull. Come home now."
"Mom! You can't just keep doing this. Okay. I'm happy here because I'm not being hurt, I am being cared for here. I don't get blamed for everything. These people here are more like my family than You, than dad, than Charles have EVER been." She hung up the phone and cried into Jughead's shoulder.

After the phone call, Jughead and Betty didn't do a lot the rest of the day.

It was late at night and Betty suggested to Jughead that they should have a movie marathon.
"Ok, but I know the perfect place."
He pulled her off the counter and ran into the bedroom. He came back with a bandana.
"Betts put this on." He said and handed it to her.
"Jughead it's almost midnight where are we going." She said as she tied the bandana around her head.
"The perfect place." He stated and dragged her out the door...
Feedback is welcome people.
I hope you enjoyed   "Finding Happiness" Chapter 9

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