Chapter 5: Why He Let Her Go

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Christine came to me, frantic and in a hurry. "Valentina!"


"He let me go!"

"What? Christine, your not making sense."


"The Phantom! What did he do to you? What do you mean by 'he let me go'?"

"I know longer have to fear him, Valentina! I'm free!"

"I can't believe it!" I exclaimed.

That night I really couldn't believe it. Why would he do that? Of course I had to figure out.

My feet touched the cold wooden floor, and shivers went up and down my spine. My instincts kicked in as I looked down the dark hallway. "Which way do I go?" I whispered to no one. The darkness seemed to engulf me as I walked to my right, remembering that it was the direction that he had disappeared in when he abducted my dear friend.

I walked for about twenty minutes then stopped. I looked slowly around me and noticed that I had walked in a circle. As I looked I noticed Chrisine's door. For some reason I was urged to go in there. I knew she wasn't in there because she hadn't locked her door. Christine, as well as I, locked her door every night from the inside and no one could get in or out. That's it! He must have unlocked it from the inside! I thought as I quietly stepped into the room. "How did you do it?" I asked, again, to no one.

I was stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the door slam shut behind me. I whipped around to find the Phantom standing there with a look of anger on the part of his face I could see.

With in a moment I was pinned to the wall. I couldn't move or defend myself, I could only stare. The Phantom stood there and stared back. "What are you doing in here?" he asked.

"I should ask you the same thing." His grip on my shoulders tightened and I refused the erge to yelp. He asked me again, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to ask you a question."

"Oh really my pretty little song bird. Why should I believe you? What if you just came to attempt to capture me so that the others may kill me?"

"If I wanted you dead," I explained while gritting my teeth as he dug his fingers into my shoulders, "I would have turned you in when we first met."

He slowly began to let go of me. I sighed with relief when he finally released completely. Slowly the words formed into one question. "Why did you let her go?"

He froze. The anger on his face changed to sorrow and he slumped down and sat on Christine's bed. "You are wise little song bird," he whispered. "Have you ever heard the expression, 'If you love something set it free'?" I nodded my head understandingly. He looked at me again, and this time the anger was back. "You should not have come here!" he told me and I started to tremble. My heart started to race and the palm of my hand started sweating.

"Are you going to kill me?" I said it before I could stop my self. His anger exploded he grabbed my neck and started to lift me off the ground. I couldn't scream or breath. I just gasped for air and scratched at his hand. As quickly as he had started it, he dropped me. I gasped and took deep shaky breathes. He took a cloth out from under his cloak it gave off a strange smell. As I was still catching my breath, the Phantom pressed the cloth to my face. I had no time to think; I scratched and kicked him but he didn't even wince. The room started to become twisted and fuzzy. The last thing I remember was him saying, "Good night my pretty little song bird." Then all went dark.

The Phantom's Admirer By: K.C.MWhere stories live. Discover now