Chapter 10: Alexandre

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After showing everyone that I knew that I could hear again, I went to my room. Knowing full and well that I was going to have to practice until my feet fell off for the missed practice, I sat down on my bed and began to rest. A soft knock was heard at my door and a smooth voice. "Come in." I said, trying to think of who it could be.

In came someone I've known for a very long time, Alexandre. He was less than a year older than me, and was a violin player for the orchestra. He was living here by the time I came, and I've known about his feelings for me for some time now. The problem was, I could not share them. It's not that he was not handsome, because he was a very handsome man that many girls loved in the opera house. Alexandre was tall, fit, had beautiful brown eyes, a sweet personality, a genius in almost anything, but I just could not love him.

"I heard you were well, Valentina." He said, shutting the door behind him. "Yes, I must have recovered some time last night."

"I really am glad. You have the most beautiful voice and I did not want it to become spoiled."

"If it was as beautiful as you claim, then why do they always push me in the back?"

"Because you don't let anyone hear you." At that point he was sitting on my bed, directly across from me. He looked at me so softly that I turned me head, for fear that my face would turn red. "Valentina," He said, turning my head towards him. "I am glad from the bottom of my heart that you are alright." He pushed my hair behind my ear, and touched my face softly. It reminded me of the way the Phantom touched me that night, and I felt awful. "Goodbye Alexandre. I will see you at practice later today." He seemed shocked for a moment, but regained his composer very quickly. "Rest, little orphan." He laughed and left the room, but his words seemed hurt. I instantly felt bad for what I did and buried my face into my pillow, unwillingly falling into sleep.

"Song bird, arise and sing for me." Was how I was awoken. I sat upright and stared at the mask of the Phantom as he sat at the end of the bed. "What are you doing here?!? It's the middle of the day!"

"Actually, it's not. Happy New Years Valentina."

"Has it really only been a couple of weeks?" I mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"Oh nothing, just have I really been asleep all day?"

"Yes, but no worries, I have watched over you as you slept."

"I thought you were Christine's angel. Not mine." There was no reply except for, "You do realize that the ball is tonight."

"What?!? No, I completely forgot about it!" As I looked at him, I realized how nice he looked. He was wearing a different mask, this one being more decorative than his classic white one, and his suite was bright red. The Phantom wore a sword around his belt, which I knew all too well, and also a black cape. He slicked his black hair back and I could see that he was not just dressed up for celebrating alone in his cave. "May I have the honor of being your escort?"

His question shocked me, and it took me a moment to answer. "Alright, just no tricks or I'll break another one of your ribs! Now please leave so I may change into something more appropriate for a ball."

He left, and I wore the same dress that I wore to the birth-day dinner, since I really don't have any more nice dresses. I pulled my hair in a bun while leaving down the most of it, and I actually wore make-up. It was a holiday after all.

For the most part, I was pleased by the outcome and was prepared to leave when the Phantom walked back in my room through the mirror. He stared at me for a moment, shook his head, and presented me with a present.

In his hand, he held out a black mask with such beautiful beading and design that I could not help but stare at it. "Take it." He said, putting the mask in my hand. "Is this so we will match or something?" I asked while fixing the mask so it would stay on my head. "No, the dance is a masquerade silly little song bird." He laughed. The Phantom held out his arm and, hesitantly, I grabbed it.

When we arrived in the room, it was marvelous! People with all different types of masks lined the walls and filled the room. The Phantom let me run off and chat with people as he sneaked off. Alexandre walked up behind me and whispered in my ear, "Who was your escort?" I turned towards him and smiled. "He's just a- friend. Just a friend."

"Yes, but what is his name?"

"Erik. His name is Erik."

"I've never seen him before. Tell me, does this Erik have any feelings for you?"

"I- I don't know." He smiled victoriously, and said with a gesture of his hand, "Come dance with me, Valentina, for you do it so gracefully."

"Thank you but I-" I was never able to finish my sentence, because he drug me to the middle of the dance floor and I could do nothing but come willingly. Of course, the music slowed down, and he put his hands on my waste, trying to pull me closer to him. I pushed him back slightly, and he leaned over to talk in my ear. "You look beautiful Valentina, and I am very envious of your Mr. Erik."

"Don't be Alexandre. He is just a friend as I have said earlier."

"Yet still, he had the honor of being your escort."

"Alexandre, I came here to be gay and merry, not to talk about romance with you."

"May we please just talk a little longer." His voice was filled with pleading, and I could not help but agree.

I nodded my head slowly, and he picked me up and spun me around. "You don't know how happy I am to be with you Valentina, you really don't."

"No, stop Alexandre."

"I can't any more Valentina, you are to precious to me. Seeing you with that Erik man made me want to kick and scream and I knew then that I must act now or I may lose you forever."

"I said to stop." I tried to pull away, but he brought me closer than I have ever been. I could smell his breath and could almost hear his pounding heart. It's funny how just yesterday I was not able to hear at all.

"I love you Valentina! I love you more than anyone ever can and will. You're beautiful, sweet, caring, and all together wonderful. I don't care what you have to say. I just want you to know that." Before I could do or say anything, he leaned down and kissed me. "For the last time, stop it!" I screamed at him and pulled away. I ran out of the ballroom and sat on the stair case, running my fingers over my lips. Then I sat there, and began to cry.

The Phantom's Admirer By: K.C.MWhere stories live. Discover now