Chapter 2: Christine

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Christine was a close friend, another backup. She was beautiful and had told me stories about the Phantom. Christine told me how he had kidnapped her, and how he was actually pleasent to be around at some times. "A mysterious man with a mysterious past." is what she called him. I believed every word she told me. In fact, I was entranced by some things.

I have always been a curios girl, that's why I was so interested in the Phantom. Knowing who he was would solve a thousand questions. Knowing who he was would also give me the pleasure of knowing that someone was interested in me.

I grew up in an orphanage ever since the age of four and never felt loved. It was girls only and we were tutored there, so I barely had any contact with the real world. That is, until I ran away. So, I never trusted any one until I met Christine who introduced me to opera. That's why I'm here now. That's also why I never grew interested with any one. If I couldn't trust, then I couldn't love.

I envied Christine. She had several men at her feet, including the Phantom. She was only in love with one though, and I respected that. I could tell that her true love was the man who she had known for a very long time. We had never met, but I could tell by the way she spoke of him that he seemed nice and caring. Espicially to Christine herself.

I believe she could tell that I was fascinated by him. No I was not romantically fascinated in a man that I have never met, but none the less fascinated. Very little did I know that I wasn't the only one...

My sleep was always troubled, even as a young girl. I would always get the feeling that someone was in my room, watching me, just like that one man did exactly sixteen years ago. I was pale from my lack of sleep. A good slumber was rare, but on the eve of December 15 I slept. I slept through most of the night, until I heard a beautiful voice. It wasn't calling to me that much I could tell, but that didn't keep me from looking. Luckily I didn't have to look very far. Chrisitne's room was right next to mine.

Quickly I peaked into the room, and there he was. The Phantom of the Opera.

His back was turned to me, so I was not able to see his face. Then suddenly he turned twards me, holding a, still beautiful, sleeping Christine in his hands. I suppressed the urge to gasp. His mask was so shockingly white it almost hurt one's eyes to gaze directly upon it.

He walked towards the door slowly as if he was holding his own child in his hands. I quickly realized my situation at hand. It was too late though he was turning the door handle. I backed up against the wall not knowing what to expect. Finally he emerged from the room. Oh Lord why is it that his face still hard a blank expression upon it after he saw me? I was not expecting the next few seconds. "What is your name little songbird?" he asked me. My heart was racing now. Just as I had thought his voice was just as smooth and beautiful as his singing.

I fought to keep my voice calm and unwavering. "Valentina."

"That's a very pretty name for a pretty little songbird," he said barely above a whisper. He started to walk into the darkness of the corridors when he stopped and turned to me and said, "You will not speak of our little meeting here little songbird, or I may just have to clip your wings." Then the Phantom of the Opera was gone.


Writers notes: sorry if I got any facts wrong or some mess 'cause I do like the phantom of the opera and all I'm just not completely obsessed with it and I do t know everything about it... Hoped you liked the chapter though!!! Untill we meet again-K.C.M

The Phantom's Admirer By: K.C.MWhere stories live. Discover now