Chapter 10

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I paced around in base. My servos intertwined behind my back, I growled and sat on my throne, another failed mission, Wonderful just what I needed apon my return.
The door opened and RC walked in and bowed "Lord Optronix Please forgive me from todays events." RC said.

I stood up and walked closer to her, I could see her tense, I can practectly smell her fear! I grabbed her by the side of her helm, RC yelped I snarled at her.
"You know I DO NOT TOLERATE FAILURE!" I yelled which echoed around the room.

"Yes Lord Optronix, I shall not fail you again." RC said, I bared my sharp denta at her. She glared at me, she has fire! To bad it's never used on the battle feild. The door slides open again and a drone walks in. "What is it!?" A snarled at it.

The drone flinched "W-we have found a-a-a town that supports the D-decepticons, we are waiting for your o-order Lord Optronix." The drone said bowing. I dropped RC, she hit the floor roughly.

I turned and activated a video camera from a side console that would broadcast across base.

"Transform. And Rise Up. Destroy Those Who Seek To Stop Our Rule. Destroy Those Who Dare To Defy. Destroy Those Who Wish To Dethrone My Rule!"

I yelled and then I turned off the console I looked at RC who was still on the floor "Let's see if you will go by your word." I hissed at her.
RC gave a nod.

I stomped pass the drone, I walked out side and I transformed into a jet, I shot high into the sky, I flew straight towards the town, Smokeshield and Yellowjacket bombed the town and I landed on the ground, I transformed

I stomped pass the drone, I walked out side and I transformed into a jet, I shot high into the sky, I flew straight towards the town, Smokeshield and Yellowjacket bombed the town and I landed on the ground, I transformed

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((Ignore the wheels))

My red Optics scanned the ground for any fleshlings. Then I heard what humans would call music, I looked up to see Starscream, I growled. Then my pedes were knocked out from under me, A farmilar white and gold semi slid to a stop under Starscream.

I growled and got to my pedes, such pests! Megatron Prime stood tall and he glared at me, "Optronix!" Megatron yelled I chuckled "Ah, so the Prime returns." I said. "Your tyranny ends now!" Megatron yelled.

We ran at eachother and clashed.
Our swords created sparks, I hissed at him this was going to be a long fight.


I growled and scratched Megatron's armour with my claws I laughed

"You've Put up A Good Fight. But, Something You Don't Reaslize is, There's A Thin Line Between Being A Hero.And.Being A Memory."

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