Chapter 3

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((A small fact for you XD))

"Hello" Megatron greeted Optimus, Optimus gave a weary nod, Knockdown grumbled "Don't you understand that a patient needs time to heal! He just woke up from an attack he could be unstable,and Afraid!" Knockdown hissed at Megatron.

Optimus expected Megatron to give a threat for Knockout......I mean Knockdown, raising his voice but Megatron, he didn't do anything, which surprised Optimus, wouldn't Megatron raise his voice?

"My apologies, Doctor, I needed to meet him so I could stop the rumors that have already spread across the ship." Megatron said calmly, Knockdown sighed then he nodded.

Megatron then put his attention on Optimus, "I have not introduced myself, My name is Megatron Prime." Megatron said holding out his servo for Optimus to shake.

Optimus very very hesitantly reached out his servo and shook Megatron's. Optimus pulled his servo back and looked at the floor "Optimus." Optimus said.

Megatron nodded and looked at Starscream "Please go and stop more rumors from spreading." Megatron said, Starscream nodded and left with his wings held high. Knockdown then walked over to Optimus "Can you stand up?" Knockdown asked him. Optimus looked at his pedes and then he slid off the berth and his pedes hit the ground.

Knockdown nodded "Now can you walk?" Knockdown asked Optimus. Optimus put one pede infront of the other, Optimus thought he could walk but then his knees gave out.

Megatron caught him before he could fall to the ground, Megatron stabilized him, then Optimus could see a height difference between them.

Optimus was only half a helm shorter then the Megatron he knew,but Optimus to this Megatron was that Optimus only went to his shoulder.
Megatron moved Optimus and sat him back down on the berth.

Knockdown scanned Optimus's legs, "It appears that there is some damage in his legs, nothing serious but it could be if I don't fix it soon." Knockdown said. Megatron nodded and turned " I will leave you to it Doctor." Megatron said as he left the medbay.

This Megatron......was very different.

Word count 349

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