Chapter 8

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Starscream walked back into the meeting room, I look up at him "Well?" I asked him. Starscream sighed "Knockdown has gotten angry about your request and had told me to come tell you that you can wait." Starscream said. I stood up and walked by Starscream.

I walked to medbay, Starscream walked behind me. We walked in silence, I had turned off my comlink due to all of the Vehicons comming me. Starscream's wings would twitch from time to time. I walked up to the medbay doors and opened them.

I walked in and saw the look alike sitting on a berth, he looked at me, he tensed when he saw me. I could see many different emotions in his optics, Anger and Fear were easily seeable but Confusion easily over powered the two emotions. "Hello." I said as I looked at him.

He gave a nod "Don't you understand that a patient needs time to heal! He just woke up from an attack he could be unstable,and Afraid!" Knockdown hissed at me. I remained calm, "My apologies,Doctor, I needed to meet him so I could stop the rumors that have already spread across the ship." I said calmly.

I looked at Optimus "I have not yet introduced myself, My name is Megatron Prime." I said holding out my servo for him to shake. He hesitantly reached out and shook my servo "Optimus." The bot said looking at the ground. I gave a nod, I turned to Starscream who had walked into the room behind me.

"Please go stop more rumors from spreading." I said to him. Starscream gave a nod and turned around and left medbay with his wings held high.
Knockdown walked over to Optimus, "Can you stand?" Knockdown asked him, Optimus slid off of the berth, his pedes the ground with a thud.

Good he could stand, "Can you walk?" Knockdown asked Optimus. Optimus put one pede infront of the other, I could see that Optimus thought he could walk but his knees gave out. I caught him before he could hit the ground. I lightly helped him back up onto the berth, Knockdown scanned his legs.

"It seems that there is damage to his legs, Nothing serious but it could be if I don't fix it soon." Knockdown said, I gave a nod and turned to walk out of medbay "I will leave you to it Doctor." I said as the medbay doors closed behind me. Soundwave stood on the other side "Soundwave I want high surveillance on Optimus." I said sternly.

"What ever you say Boss bot." Soundwave said. I gave a nod and walked away.

I took one last glance at the medbay doors before turning down a different hall way.

Word count 465

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