Chapter 7

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I sat down in my room my helm buzzing painfully. I put my servos over my faceplates, how am I supposed to lead this team? More importantly, how am I supposed to make sure the humans don't get hurt or wander off again.

It's likely to happen again and their lives were in danger, They just wanna watch. NO! They'll get hurt if they follow us again. We barely have time to watch them.

I shook my helm and thought about other things besides the humans. We are running low on energon, we had to land and sheild ourselves in the trees, the Paradox has taken some hard hits from the Autobots.

I just don't know how long we can keep going.

My comlink beeped, I looked up and answered it, "Hello?" I asked, I was not farmilar with this comlink. "Is it true?" The voice asked, "Is what true?" I asked the solider on the comlink "That Optronix is on this ship? That we are repairing him?" The solider asked me.

What? I haven't been informed about Optronix on this ship. What's going on? "Where did you hear this,soldier?" I asked him. "From my friend and they said they heard it from everyone else, are the rumors true?" The solider asked. "No, stop all rumors." I said sternly.

"Yes Prime." The solider said and he ended the comlink. What is going on.
I got up and left my quarters, I walked to the meeting room. I opened the meeting room doors to see Starscream looking at a datapad. "Starscream." I said. Starscream perked up and looked at me "Yes? Is there something you need Prime?" Starscream asked me.

"Have we had injured bots, come in lately?" I asked him. Starscream perked "Yes, I found one myself. Why do you ask?" Starscream asked me. I looked at the doors then back to Starscream "Was the bot Optronix?" I asked him. Starscream's wings lowered.

"No, but the bot carried many similarities to him." Starscream said.
I looked at the floor, similarities to him? Must be what's causing the confusion, but it could just be Optronix in disguise.

I looked at Starscream "Bring this bot to me,I would like to meet him." I said. Starscream gave a salute and he walked out of the meeting room.

I sat down in a chair, I put my helm in my servos.

What am I going to do now?

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