don't give up my friends<3

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OKay sorry I gave you false hope thinking this was a chapter :3 

but imma counsler at a day camp so ive been busey .. but I really want you to listen to me.

 i recently went to camp .. and I met this girl. I'm not going to say her real name so lets call her clare.

Clare was like me .. alwayse happy , but something was off about her.. i can tell , she was like me.

I also nodiced scars on her legs. And whenever I asked about it she would change the subject .. I know why. So one night , me her and my other friend , ( lets call her victoria ) , were playing truth or dare in our room , and she was asked her deepest , darkest secret, but I already figured it out.

She started to get worked up and panicy , so I simply told her me too ... turns out victoria too... we all understood eachother like I would have never thaught before. We talked for hours , crying and laughing .. shareing secrets and becomeing closer than ever. Ive never met someone like me before , but it turns out I had two right infront of me. Unfourtunately we live over 5 hours from eachother so I can't meet up with either of them , but they both really changed my life.

Clare was going to end it right before camp , but she wanted to enjoy her last week here. But because she relised that shes not alone she promised me and victoria that she would stay strong. no matter what. The things they've been through are unimaginable , we all now what it's like to put on  a fake smile everyday , we understand. So we picked one item most special to us , and we made our final dare the best one yet. We all dared eachother to keep fighting. We ingraved the sentance into something special to us , victoria tolk a nail and ingraved it into the side of her braclet , clare did the same but on some earrings , and I wrote " I dare you to keep fighting  . " on the back of an angel necklace I never take off. 

I know I have victoria and Clare with me every step of the way because of my angel. They are my guardien angels. That final dare is the best one. I dare you to keep fightning. I acctually stole that quote from another fanfiction because it was so insparational. I alwayse do my dares. And I will keep this dare going until the verry end. Clare and Victoria are with me. I know it. 

So my friends , please never give up.. You DO have perpose. you are NOT alone. you ARE loved. and NEVER give up. Keep fightinng  for  me , and Clare , and victoria. 

Because togather , we dare you to keep fighting. To the very end.

But the question is , do you accept?

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