I exist?!?

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Oh my goodness has it been a while. Almost a year in fact. And yes, I miss writing this a lot more than I thought I would.

My life is finally in order, at least for a little while, and I was thinking I would attempt to come back to this.

I would probably write a little differently, and maybe not as good as I haven't written in a while.

But that doesn't mean my content will be rushed and not up to par. When I write I try my hardest to do as well as I possibly can. It may not be perfect but I like it how it is :)

Let me know if you guys want me to keep writing, and if so, what do you want to hear from me?

My old format was to do each character in order of who I started out with, but I think I'm gonna change that now. I'll write about whoever whenever, keep you guessing ;)

So I guess that's it, I know it's been a really really really long time, but I really missed the part of my life where I could share some of my work with the world.

I'm also thinking about putting some of my non-fan fiction stories up here. Like, short stories that I came up with with character that come from this crazy mind of mine. Again, let me know what you guys think!

So I think that's all I have to say, I can't believe I'm gonna start writing again, it makes me really excited to think about.

Alright, that's enough talking from me, I'll start working on the next story.

Stay strong,

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