Naturally| Sam Wilson

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Word Count: 1057

Pairing: Sam x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: Nothing, I hope you enjoy!!

You were Clint Barton's sister. Which naturally kept guys away from you most of your life. I mean, come on, he can be really intimidating most of the time. But he was the best big brother anyone could ask for. And being his sister got you an immediate best friend in Natasha. You had trained with S.H.E.I.L.D along with him, but you were definitely not a bow and arrow person. Guns were more your style.

The day you met Sam Wilson was one you'd not forget easily. You were on the roof, the place you felt most calm. He had flown down and sat beside you, introducing himself. Naturally, you just glared at him and scolded him for interrupting your alone time. He had just laughed and walked away. Not without saying he hoped to see you again.

From then on, he was always there. He was always ready to do anything you threw at him. It was a little weird admittedly, but you had gotten used to it. It was almost, natural. But then, Clint had started to notice it, of course. And he wasn't that happy.

"I promise, nothing's going on, just relax Clint"

He scoffed

"Sure, and I'm going to listen to you because? I'm your older brother, and despite the fact that you don't seem to think so, I care about you and what happens to you"

Your face softened

"I know, but you have to trust me here"

He sighed

"Just this once Y/n, and you better not make me regret it"

You smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Love you Clint"

"Love you N/n"

And you ran down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Hey Sam"

You said, reaching to grab something on a higher shelf. Mentally cursing your height, you were about to climb up on the counter to get it.

"Here, I'll get that for you"

Sam said, reaching around you. Your heart started to beat faster and that confused you. He handed the bowl to you and leaned closer.

"Hey Y/n, Caps waiting for you in the gym"

Natasha said, making both You and Sam jump. She smirked and left the room. You followed her out the door.

What you didn't see was Sam sighing in frustration and slamming the cupboard shut after you left. But Clint saw, he saw the whole thing. He was beginning to doubt your "nothing is going on" excuse. He saw how you looked at him, and how he looked at you.

"It's better than Stark"

He muttered to himself, walking away.

It was later that week, you were on your morning run with Sam. You'd started that routine a while ago after Clint had harped about you needing to get in shape. Sam had offered to run with you and you accepted. It was every morning now, sometimes Steve joined you, but it was usually just the two of you.

"Wanna grab a coffee after Y/n?"

Sam huffed, your heart jumped as he started to remove his shirt as it was sweaty.

"Umm, yeah, sounds good"

He smiled and started sprinting past you. Oh that wasn't happening, you ran after him. It wasn't unusual for you to grab a coffee with Sam, but for some reason, this time felt different.

You sat down after you had grabbed your drink and pulled out your phone. Clint had texted you asking where you were, as per usual.

"With Sam"

Is all you sent before silencing it and putting it in your pocket. You took of sip of your drink and Sam chuckled.


You asked, confused by his laughter.

"You got a little something right there"

He grabbed a napkin and wipes some of the whipped cream off your lip


You blushed. What was wrong with you? You fought tough assassins and aliens on a weekly basis. And all the sudden you get weak in the knees because some guy is nice to you? Not to mention he's your best friend.

"You ok there Y/n/n?"

Sam asked, you were kinda pale.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine"

You tried to cover it up with a smile, it came off as a grimace. He raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. His phone started buzzing and he looked at it. He smiled

"Clint wants to know why you aren't answering your phone"

You rolled your eyes and pulled it out. Literally 10 missed calls and 15 texts in the past 10 minutes. Overprotective doesn't even cover it. You groaned.

"I better get going, see you later Sam"

You smiled apologetically and left. He smiled till he couldn't see you then frowned slightly.

"What took you so long?"

Clint asked as soon as you walked inside the building. You rolled your eyes and started towards the elevator.

"I don't have to listen to you ya know, I just do because I'd feel bad if I didn't"

You said, he frowned and followed you.

"Yeah well, I just worry about you"

You smiled at him.

"I know Clint, but I'm an adult know, I can protect myself. Besides, I was with an avenger, I don't think you can get more safe than that"

You joked, he smiled a little.

"Yeah, just tell me next time you decide to stay out an hour later than usual"

You groaned but nodded and kissed his cheek as you headed to your room off the elevator.

"There you are, I was waiting forever"

Sam spoke, making you jump.

"Good grief Sam, at least a warning next time, k?"

He smirked and walked towards you.

"I was going to ask you something today before you left"

You nodded, turning around to set down your stuff. He was nervous, most wouldn't be able to tell, but you'd known him long enough.

"And that is?"

You questioned, turning back around to face him.

"I was going to ask you out, before your brother so rudely interrupted it"

You nodded before freezing.

"Wait, what?"

He smirked, walking closer.

"I was going to ask you out. So I'm gonna to do that now. Pick you up at 8?"

You blinked before responding

"Sure, I mean, yes, that sounds great"

He smiled and kissed your cheek before leaving the room. As soon as he did, you grabbed your pillow and screamed into it, naturally.

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