Soulmate AU| Steve

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Word Count: 1038

Pairing: Steve x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: This is the first part in what I hope will be a series. I know it's kind of cliche but I really like it. I hope you enjoy!!
Steve didn't usually show his tattoo, mostly because the date was almost a hundred years away. Who wants people to know you'll meet your soulmate on your deathbed? No one, he already was the smallest, weakest guy of any group. He didn't need any more pity added onto that.

Bucky tried to help, but his date had already passed. Steve just shrugged all attempts at comfort away, not wanting to be a burden to anyone. When he met Peggy, he thought maybe his tattoo was just broken, or had more zeros added on accident. But then the crash happened, and here he was in the twenty first century. And with only a few weeks left on his arm.

He felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He would never have to worry about being alone for the rest of his life. He might actually have someone. His usual routine was to go out to as many places as possible. He thought maybe it would make the time go down faster, and hey, you're more likely to meet your soulmate outside of the house right?

So he would sit on park benches, go to local bars and restaurants. Anything to find the one person he needed sooner.

And then there was you. Did you care about the tattoo on your arm? Not really, you didn't believe in the whole "love at first sight/ soulmate" thing. Which was strange considering everyone was born with the tattoo. But it's not like you thought it didn't exist. You knew it was possible, just not with you. 25 years doesn't seem that long to wait,  but you were determined you were never going to meet him.

Your parents would constantly tell you you'd meet "the one" and everything would change. But you just scoffed, like that would actually happen. To you of all people. You thought you were just average. Nothing special, until you started training. Training in basically any martial art form there was. And hand to hand combat. You taught yourself how to shoot a gun. And not brag, but you hadn't missed a shot in a long time.

After years of brutal training, you decided you could make a living out of it. You became a bounty hunter. It wasn't the best of jobs, but it payed very well. And then Nick Fury stopped by, offered you a job as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. And your life changed completely, for the better.

The first day was pretty bad, as you weren't used to playing with others. So when you were stuck with two imbeciles (or so you thought) who didn't know what they were doing, you decided to do everything in your own. Which basically ruined everything. Your partners weren't too happy with you, seeing as they were two of the best agents. Romanoff and Barton. Everyone talked about how great they were.

You knew you'd failed and just wanted to get it over with, but Fury had requested a meeting with you afterwards. You were a little nervous as you headed into his office, knowing you could lose one of the best jobs for you.

"Have a seat Agent Y/l/n, I asked you in here to talk about the a program called the Avengers initiative"

Well, that was unexpected. And that's how you found yourself heading into the tower, a small gym bag slung over your shoulder. You didn't really pay attention to the fact your timer had hit around 5 minutes.

Steve, in the other hand, had noticed his. Nervousness was coiled up in his stomach. He paced his room for a while, before realizing his soulmate wasn't just going to come to him, he had to find them.

As fate would have it, you entered the tower around the same time he was leaving. You didn't pay attention to the fact he was coming at you, nor he to the fact you were doing to same towards him. Your minds were both preoccupied with thoughts.



You bag was now on the floor, as two chimes sounded throughout the lobby. You looked up and your eyes met with crystal blue ones. You felt the air leave your body as you realized what was happening. You just stared at each other for a while before he suddenly shook his head.

"I um, I'm so sorry. Here, I'll help you up"

His words were a faint nose in the back of your head as you watched him help you up. You couldn't believe it. Your soulmate was Captain America. Captain freaking America.

"Are you ok?"

He asked then, concern filling his eyes.

"Oh! Yes, yes I'm fine"

An awkward pause then, and you both reached down for your bag at the same time. Your foreheads knocked and your face turned a bright red. You could've sworn his cheeks tinged with a pink as well.

"I'm sorry, here"

He handed you your bag. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"So, you're.. we're.."


You finished for him, a wonder filling you as you thought about it.

"Yes, that. I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm uh, I'm Steve"

He stuck his hand out, you looked down before taking it in yours. A shock went through you as your skin touched.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n"

He smiled then, shaking your hand. Neither of you let go. Then a voice sounded and made you jump apart.

"I see you've met Agent Y/l/n, Mr. Rogers. The new addition to the team"

Steve turned to look at you, realization filling his eyes. His cheeks were definitely pink now.

"Yeah, I guess I have"

The voice, being Jarvis, was saying something about alerting the rest of the team of your arrival. But you hardly heard it, you were too busy staring at Steve, and he at you.

"Well, I guess I'm your official welcoming party"

He chuckled nervously.

"Then this is a pretty awesome welcome party"

You said, winking. His blush darkened .

Maybe you hadn't believed in soulmates, but you did now. You almost kicked yourself for being stubborn. You were starting your life new, with someone to share it with.

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