Chapter 6 ( The Last Chapter Guys! )

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Out of the corner of my eye I see Brook, and Blake talking to each other. Blake looks at me worriedly. Thanks to my werewolf hearing I hear a few words. Sadly, I can't hear the full sentence because my emotions cloud out their voices from my ears. They turn to me, and Brook walks over to me.

"I am so sorry." Tears stream down once again from Brook's eyes. I look down at the gadget in my hands, and back at Brook.
"For what?" Her breath hitches for a moment, and her tears turn into full blown out sobbing.

"Whatever it is it's okay. It's not your fault." I answer trying to make Brook stop crying. But instead I look over Brooke's shoulder and see Blake letting out a few small tears as well. Whatever it was it was bad. And they wouldn't tell me. I haven't seen Blake cry in over thirteen years. It took a lot to make a strong guy like him cry. I look at the crying couple in confusion. Brook sniffles."I'm sorry. I really am. If only I would have known. I'm sorry. I should let you go back to the gadget to set some things straight." Brook runs into Blake's arms crying harder now. I wanted to see why she was crying so much, but I just had to find out why Marina lost her memories. I return my attention to the gadget in my hands. Immersing myself back into my own bubble. Tuning out Brook's sobbing, that is already muffled a little by Blake's chest. What actually happened? What could have happened that made her lose her memories? Did she lose her memories from only the 5th accident or a bit from all? I look back at what she is thinking at the moment. And I will most likely die here today as well. I wonder if anyone would miss me. A feeling of dread, guilt, and longing washes over me. I wish that she didn't leave us. Me. I will miss her. I look at the sentence that is writing all by itself for me to read. It's time. I wouldn't want my best friends to get hurt because of me. I love them all to dearly. I wonder what Jason is doing right now. I wonder if he would miss me. I hope the explosion won't reach their ship. Off course I would miss her! I hope that she would come back, but I know she won't be coming back soon. Hopefully she comes back someday. Wait, what? Explosion? Won't that kill anyone in close range!? I start panicking. It feels like the time had stopped. My leg's wouldn't let me get up to run to the decompressing window in her room. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath until a suffocated, and painful sensation deep in my stomach screams for air. But by this time I don't care. I don't care if I live or die. Because Marina wouldn't be there with me. By my side. Not floating around in the abyss in the middle of space. I hear a distant booming, and the ship rocks slightly, and the lights flicker off, and then back on. It's funny how much you notice when you realize someone is dying or died. Like how the glass of water from my visit slightly splashes around in the clear cup, spilling a few drops of water onto her desk. And how you realize that you loved them, and now they are gone. That you would never see them ever again. As I sit there in shock my fingers slacken their hold on Marina's white, thin gadget, and it falls to the ground with a small thump. The screen cracking into three different cracks. The last memory that was written was, I'm sorry Brook, Blake, Jason. I love you all. Thank you Brook for always being there in my time of need. Blake, please take care of Brook. Love her as dearly as I know you do. Don't forget me. I love you, Jason. Thank you for always being there for me. I love yo- the screen glitches once and completely shuts off.

Epilogue~ You're Welcome

Marina's POV

My body aches in different places and I taste blood on my tongue.  Aren't I supposed to be dead?  I weakly open my eyes and there, in front of me, is the spaceship settling 12 feet in front of me.  The planet I fainted on had lively, green, forestation, much like Earth.  I'm alive.  The people who were after me are dead and I survived.  I ignore the pain and try to get up.  After a few tries I get up and slowly start walking to the spaceship.  As soon as I get to the door of the spaceship, it opens.  Brook, and Blake run out the moment they see me.  Crying and hugging. 
"Where. . where is Jason?"  I manage to say weakly.  Brook and Blake point to the door of the spaceship.

"He needs you chica, badly.  He's still in your room."  My body was already starting to heal itself so I walked faster to get to my room.  I walk into my room and there he is.
"I'm back."  At the sound of my voice, Jason snaps his head up from its rest in his hands.  His eyes full of tears, his face pale, and his lips shaking, trying to say something.  A small smile works it's way onto his face.

"Welcome back."

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