Chapter 3

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Marina's POV

I look up at Jason's face and see that Jason's eyebrows are furrowed in anxiety. I place my fingers on his furrowed brows. My heart softens at how worried he is about me.

"You're going to get wrinkles if you do that." I tell him softly.

"Worrying, or having any other emotions for that matter, won't change anything about the past or the future." Though his arms are comfortable and nice I get up from my plain boring white bed and walk to my locked door. I check the lock and mumble a quick spell under my breath. A reinforcing spell.

"You can cast spells?" Jason asks from the foot of the bed. "Yeah. I can do a lot of things." I walk back to where Jason is sitting and sit an inch closer than I should for my, his, our safety. He sits next to me unaware of this dangerous situation, anticipation runs through my veins.

"I knew this day would come, but I let myself believe that I had more time." I sadly say as I gaze at his face for hopefully the last time. Jason looks at me, confused and not knowing the real meaning behind my words.

" I should say thank you." And bye, I add silently. I rise to my feet thinking about how much time we have left before they come. About five minutes and 39 seconds, 38, 37, 36.

"Stay here. It would be safer than your own dorm. I'll go get Brook and Blake." I mumble another spell transporting me from my dorm to Brooks light blue door. I knock on her door urgently. I may be powerful enough to put a protection spell on five hundred mansions, but the ship is bigger than a thousand mansions melded together. When Brook opens the door I grab her hand and pull her out of her room. I mumble the transporting spell and appear back in my room. I let go of Brooks' hand.

"You can tell her about me. It won't matter anymore. It would be best." I say to Jason. Little does he know that this is probably the last day we will see each other. Leaving no room for complaints and questions I transport to Blakes Room. This time I don't knock, time is running out too fast for me. I walk in to see him on his bed reading a mechanics guide.

"Oh, hey Marina. Didn't see you come in. Or hear you." He chuckles.

"No time for talk come on." I grab his arm and transport. He walks over to Brook and pulls her in for a hug. Jason looks at me worriedly. I guess he might know what's happening.

"Jason, when I leave to look into my small cabinet at the left. Take it and power it on. But only after I leave" I say to Jason without glancing at him.

"When you leave!? Why are you leaving!? There is nowhere else to go except for the outside which is . . " Brooks shrieks at me. But by the end of her sentence, she knows what I'm going to do and her face pales tremendously. She silently walked out of Blake's arms and into mine.

"Wherever you are going chica. Don't get killed. Or else I will revive you with my witchy powers and kill you again for dying on me." She half whispers half talks in a defeated voice.

"I'm sorry Brook. I can't make that promise. It's my fault they are here. I got to do something right." I lean into Brook's hug.

"I love you bestie." I don't answer to her "I love you". It would be even harder to part if those words come out of my mouth. I release her from my hug and walk backward until I'm sure nobody would be teleported with me.

"0 minutes 59 seconds." I say out loud. They all look at me, confused.

"That's how long I have before they come. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, Brook and Blake." I look at Jason who has Sadness, anger, disbelief, despair, guilt, and loneliness mixed all in one on his face. I tilt my head at him. Why does he feel guilty? It's not his fault that they are here. It's mine. But why is he angry?

"Jason, did you tell Brook?" He shakes his head, not meeting my gaze. I sigh.

"Please tell Blake and Brook while I'm gone." Jason's eyes snap up to mine. "Gone? Where are you going? Aren't you going to come back?" He says with panic in his voice. I look at my friends one by one.

"Thirty seconds." I whisper to my best friends a moment before I teleported outside of the spaceship.  

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