Chapter 1

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Marina's POV 

The wind hit my face as I ran out from the red brick building, and down a dirty alleyway to try, and put some distance between me, and my pursuers. The moon was shining high in the sky. The night was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Thankfully the moon was bright enough for me to run without tripping on every rock or piece of garbage, and bright enough to not use the small handheld flashlight in my flexible, baggy pants. I welcomed the cool air. I was wearing a big sweater with a hoodie, the air inside the brick building was stuffy, hot, and smelled like burned cigarettes, guy sweat, and illegal alcohol. A meeting was in progress. I was there for the information to impeach the president. The president had tortured me in every way possible. The Chinese Iron Maiden? Yep. It stood like a coffin, but was raised on a platform with an iron grate on the bottom instead of a piece of wood. Like the Iron Maiden, this coffin was made out of brass ,and iron. But, unlike the iron maiden, it was optional to include spikes or not. In my coffin there were spikes. The White Torture? Also a yes. I was confined in a large cell that no windows, and everything was entirely colored creamy white. The food was only rice that was placed on a white paper plate. If I needed to use the bathroom, I had to put a white slip of paper under the door to alert the guards. The guards had specially designed footwear designed to muffle any sound. I was forbidden to talk to anyone till I was almost driven to insanity. Almost. But I pulled through. True it was hard but I got through. I wasn't supposed to be there that night, or any night for that matter. I was hiding behind an abandoned cart. Nobody but the President's minions were supposed to be there. Yells erupted behind me, and heavy footfalls thudded on the cracked, old pavement snapping me out of my renowned memorie inside of a memory. Looking behind me the large ogre suddenly changed into a wolf making me stumble, and crash into a garbage can. Thankfully an empty one. A shapeshifter. I fall to the ground onto my knees, and curled into a ball protecting my neck with my hands. Sharp gnashing teeth tore at the skin of my hands, trying to get to my neck making me cry out in pain. Stupid shapeshifter, if only the stupid shapeshifter wasn't there I could have gotten away with the secret information to impeach the paranormal-hating-president. Why was I on earth anyways? Wasn't I on the spaceship heading for planet Tithunomion? I opened my eyes to the white ceiling above me as I try to compose myself. My breath comes out in short gasps, and my skin glistens with sweat. My alarm clock was beeping signaling that it was already 6:30 a.m. 30 minutes earlier than I usually wake up. Quickly glancing at the date it says 5th month 27th day 9357 the year. Only 30 more years till this generation on Galactica finally gets to see the new planet. I look around to find the clothes that I had laid out the night before. On my gray study table, a pair of ripped jeans, and a light blue shirt are laid out not a wrinkle in sight. I pull on my clothes, and open my small drawer where I have a small white gadget recording my dreams. I check if my dreams were properly recorded. I shiver at the exact same visuality that was in my dream. Not a single thing wrong. Sometimes I even scare myself with my inventions. I check the time. 7:00 a.m. in a rushed pace I run out the door to go meet up with my best friends in the whole galaxy. As soon as I see the looming metal cafeteria door I slow down my run into a walk, trying to slow down my breathing so it doesn't look like I was running. Running is forbidden, and so is having a fire, and making inventions, and many other 'dangerous' things. Gone was the playful cat. Now stood a lion. I walk in and look at the menu for today that always hangs right next to the left silver door. Burgers, pizzas, calzones, and even rice, sushi and noodles. Yum! My stomach grumbles at the thought of the delicious food that would soon be piled high onto my plate. Walking past the menu and As I walk through the silver metal door I notice that the older paranormals are quietly talking amongst themselves with a secretive aura. As I sit down next to Brook she leans to whisper something to me. "Why are the others so weird today?" She whispers into my ear, tickling me with her curly, soft brown hair. My stomach grumbled again as I smelled her shampoo. The shampoo that she used was a malibu splash. So her hair smelled like pineapples, and exotic fruits.

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