Chapter 4

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Most paranormals would die if they didn't have oxygen. Not me. I take a deep breath as I absorb the amazing sight before me.

"30 seconds." I whisper to myself not really believing my own words. It feels as if I'm floating in the great, big, sea with many glowing jellyfish beside me in the middle of the night. My skin tingles with horror as I float away from Galactica. A large spaceship and a million tiny spaceships are floating behind us in suspense, waiting to attack. I glance at the decompressing window that connects to my room. Where Blake, Brook, and Jason are. Jason. I think longingly. I'm going to miss him so much. I will miss them all. Nobody would be able to get in, or out. I'm positive. This spell needs blood in it to make it more powerful. The finger that I had pricked earlier throbs slightly as if remembering the sharpness of the silver needle. I need to fix my mistake. Hopefully no one will die today. Except for the one who is after me, my knowledge, and my powers. And I will most likely die here today as well.

Jason's POV

When Marina teleports somewhere else I briskly walk to her table and open the left small drawer. A ton of papers are on top of something that glints as I move the papers around. I place all of the papers on her desk and take out the gadget. It feels smooth and cold beneath my hands. I fumble for the on switch until I feel a small button on the side of the flat gadget. I push it. The screen comes to life, many pictures and words move around in it. I look closer at the screen and see that there is an unmistakable little Marina running from a burning house and into the tall trees next to it. I can't look away. It draws me in to look and her life, to know more about her. The next image is an older Marina sobbing and being pulled in for a hug by an older woman, and the woman's husband looking nervous standing right next to them. A brown four-legged animal whines and shuffles closer to the wall and farther away from Marina. They start to speak so I pay extra attention to their words.

"It's okay dear. It wasn't your fault." Marina pulls herself out of her grasp.

"You don't get it! You have to get away from me! I killed my own parents! Mom didn't die during my birth! I killed her! I sucked her life energy as a baby! Dad didn't commit suicide! I killed him! I burned the house down! I don't want to kill you guys too! I'm paranormal!" At the word "paranormal" the man stiffens as well as the woman. The man walks up to her and pulls back his hand to hit her. I look away not wanting to see the next part. But instead of hitting her he collapses onto the floor like a crumpled up piece of paper. What happened? I re-watch the video and see Marina block herself. Then he just. . crumbles. The woman starts to wail as she feels for a heartbeat. The four-legged animal starts whining even louder. I can bet that there is none.

"I told you to get rid of me! Please make me leave!" The woman just glares at Marina.

"No, you killed my husband! Even if you are my dead sister's daughter this is not acceptable!" Marina sobs harder as her Aunt drags her to a closed metal door. She opens it and pushes Marina inside of it. I look into the room and see frost, icicles, and frozen meats hanging from the ceiling. A freezer. I want to go through the screen and take Marina away from that place. Her Aunt locks the door and turns the freezer all the way up. An attempt to kill her. Where are the people who enforce the laws? Seriously! The image changes to Marina sitting in the freezer. She doesn't shiver, and her breaths do not appear in the air. At first I think that she has died, but that would be impossible she here, in this spaceship. Then I see her eyelashes slightly moving. Is she asleep? Who feels so comfortable in freezing Arctic weather to fall asleep? Marina apparently. The door opens and she blinks her eyes trying to get used to the bright light. Her Aunt. She walks in to find Marina still alive and well, not even a sign of a cold.

"What are you?! You monster! You were in here for a month already! You should have died days ago!" Marina just gazes at her Aunt. Her hair white, and her eyes fully black. A voice that is not hero's come out of her mouth.

"My dear Aunt. How lovely of you to come and visit me. I had some time to think while I was in there. And I remembered one important detail. You are human." At the end of her sentence her voice turns commanding and the ice from the freezer grows and grows into long pointy tips. Ice trapping everything in its grasp. Frost creeps across the walls. I look at a vase with a red rose in it. Once the frost touches the flower, the petals flutter to the floor, it's leaves droop, and the lively green color of the stem turns into a sickly green puke color. I look away from the dying flower and back at Marina and her Aunt. Her Aunt is pale and shivering with fear. But she tries and fails to portray a confidant image.

"Marina!? What are you doing? Stop it!" Her Aunt's voice becomes frantic as she tries to inch towards the door. I know without measuring that if she would run, she wouldn't make it. But as foolish as humans come, this one is the most foolish. Her Aunt straightens up and starts to run towards the wooden, closed, door.

"Oh, Aunty. Isn't it rude to not excuse yourself when you are talking to someone? That is what you told me when I tried to get away from you." Marina-no, not Marina it's not her voice that is coming out of her mouth. She says as the frost eat the walls faster and faster.  

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