Chapter 2

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Signing I walk over to my study desk and pull out my communicator with earth. Only the very important people have these. But since I invented this device I got one as well to upgrade them yearly.

"BlackRaven to BluePlanet come in." But all I hear is the buzz of static. I try again and shift the antenna a bit. Nothing. I try three more times but all I get is the buzzing of static. Weird. They always answer when I try to reach them. Signing I put my communicator away and take out another device which is like an e-reader but more flexible, thinner, and lighter to carry. I turn on my device that stores my memories for me so I can read through them with exact detail. I had lost my memories when I was trying to get the information to impeach the president. I know that I have the answer, but I can't remember the memory. Except for the alleyway with the red bricks and the shapeshifter that supposedly works with the president. How revolting. Helping someone kill their own kind for money. I type in my memories and scroll through some other ones, trying to find some clues. Just as I was going to read another one of my memories out of my hundred of other memories a knock came on my door making me jump and I quickly hide my device under a pile of papers in my desk. I unlock my door and get out my stargazer and set it up next to my decompression window where I already have my star gazing notebook

"Come in." Jason walks in and stays near the door but closes it. What was he doing here? I look at him and wait for him to tell me why he was in my dorm at-I check my phone quickly whoa-11:59 at night. I didn't know that the time had passed so quickly.

"Brook sent me here to give you this." He hands me a medical kit not meeting my eyes. I take the medical kit but then I look at him, confused on why I would need this. Jason looked up, and noticed my confused face and points at my blood stain that I had forgotten about in the middle of me trying not to freak out on how I showed my other side to my friends. "Oh. Thank you for coming all the way here." I answer back as soon as my embarrassment dies down. Who would forget if they had blood pouring out of their chest? Me apparently. A thick blanket of awkwardness and silence surrounds us making it hard for me to breath properly. I notice that Jason is glancing at something behind me. I look behind me and see my stargazer and then glance back at Jason.

"Do you want to see the stars?" He looks at me as if weighing his options.

"Sure." We both walk over to my large decompressing window and Jason picks up my notebook as I set up the stargazer to show earth.

"Here. Look at this, that blue and green planet is earth." I move out of the way and pick up my notebook and leaf through it Jason bends down slightly to look into the stargazer.

"Amazing. This is so cool, where did you get your stargazer from? I thought only important people were allowed one of these." I glance up from my notebook to look at him. He is still looking into the stargazer with an amazed look on his face.

"I made it." I answer him truthfully. I really did make it. I invented most of this stuff, so I think I deserve to keep the best ones. He glances up at me with shock.

"Really? You made this? How did you make this?" What was I supposed to say now? I made it by taking apart other paranormal's devices and then putting back the devices with a few missing parts in it?

"I'd rather keep how I made it a secret. I can't really have other people knowing about this." He looks up from the stargazer and sits next to me on my plain gray bed the springs creak as he sits down.

"But you had it out when I got here. What if it was someone else? What would happen then?" I lean back on my hands and try to put as much space between us without it looking weird.

"Who else would come in the middle of the night at 11:59 at night? Plus who would ever come into a person's dorm if they weren't friends? The leaders would just call us up. They're too lazy to come down to search personally." Jason looks at me and as soon as he opens his mouth to say something the light turns off leaving us in the dark.

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