Hate {Chapter6}

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Ahem! I would like to say a few things before we start this lovely chapter :)

First of all, I would like to dedicate this to my awesome fans: fallingintoadream, JohnnyGypsy, honey91, bookaddict1243 (double thanks for all the votes and comments, love!), Aivilo, and lylaBITEZx.

This story has really boomed in the past few days, and Im really getting excited! Oh and trust me, there have been A LOT of dance parties goin down here ! ;)

Also, thank you to everyone who is leaving me wonderful, encouraging comments - it really does mean a lot to me!- and to those who are saying that this is an "undiscovered gem."

Well this chapter just gives a little background, and some twist. I hope you all love it enough to vote, comment, or maybe even fan me!

Next chapters is where it starts to get juicy! ;)

Oh and sorry if I am uploading not as fast lately, but my first day of HIGH SCHOOL is coming up! AHHH! So excited, guys!

sorry for making this so long, by the way.


me :)


One cheesy, humorous hour later we were finally beginning to doze off into sleep, but of course that was when Mr. Sun decided to show himself. I winced as the sunrise shot me right in the face. I wearily looked at Ben's old fashioned clock; It read 6:59. School started at nine on the dot, but I still had to get my clothes from my house.

And that was when I remembered something.

Where were my parents? They had been supposed to be home by 8-ish last night, but clearly that did not happen. I tried to think of somewhere else they would be, and my mind went blank. Perhaps they both pulled all-nighters? I highly doubted it. I began to search my pant pockets, but only to realize that I hadn't grabbed my cell phone before we left my house. Remembering the ringing home phone, and my cell turned on silent - I knew I was probably in trouble for not answering all night.

I looked to my side, a smile blooming on my face as I saw Ben lying face first into his pillow, drool seeping out of his mouth and a light snore forming in the back of his throat. I stood up-relieved to find that I could do it with a lot more ease than the night before- and slipped on a pair of Ben's old slippers. They were too big, and there was a hole in the toe. Not to mention they were little Pikachus. I giggled slightly then trudged to the bathroom, dreading to look in the mirror.

I looked even worse than I thought! My skin was pale, my eyes all tired and drugged out looking. My hair was a frizzy mess, and I was pretty sure there was a pimple beginning to grow on my forehead, which was unusually oily. Oh, and I had stinky cheeto morning breath.


I splashed water onto my face, thinking about how lucky I was that it had been dark in Ben's room all night. I took time to run some water through my hair, which I was hoping would get rid of the frizzies, before heading back into his room. He was still conked out on the bed, full out snoring. I snatched a peice of gum off of his nightstand before covering him with the blanket and writing a little note for him.

"Ben, you are the most amazing friend ever. I don't know how much I could ever thank you for last night/this morning. Remember, DOLPHINS! Haha, Love you. Have fun drooling on your pillow. Text me."

The dolphin part was an inside joke. Aparently dolphins can rape people. Who knew!? This was one of the many random things we talked about during the night, laughing at almost every single thing each other said.

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