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bOooOooi fAke loVe sNatched mY wiiiG clean.
He loved me, loved me for his reputation. What an asshole.

2 days ago

Jimin-"Taehyung listen here you little fuck, Tell me about Haneul!!" I heard someone familiar shouting down he hallway while I was working inside the studio.

I peeked and saw Jimin and Taehyung going inside the bathroom, while Taehyung my boyfriend of 2 years looks to right and left.

I furrowed my eyebrows and couldnt help but, eavesdrop their conversation inside the bathroom, I'm the curious cat in this situation.

Taehyung-"Jimin, I swear to God if you spread every single word I say to everyone even Haneul, I'm going to kill you." I heard Jimin chuckle and slowly peek and noticed how serious Taehyung looked, what is this about?

Taehyung-"Jimin, I don't really like Haneul. I liked her just because, PD-nim told me if I made her like me it's the best for our reputation. She's a very big popular idol these days, she even brought us to second lead in the billboards chart and she took her songs to the leading. He said if I break her heart, moving on can distract her."

Jimin-"WHAT??!" I heard Jimin gasp, loke he didnt expect it.

And so was I.

I feel my eyes started to water and my palms getting sweatier, This asshole loved me for his reputation. I can't believe my ears. My hands turned into fists and I could feel the anger and disappointment inside of me. They walked out the bathroom, shocked to see me.

Taehyung-"H-Haneul.." Taehyung was shocked seeing me almost crying, I smiled and slowly wiped the tears forming in my eyes.

"Thanks for using me, asshole." I smiled sarcastically and started walked away. I fucking hate him!


Yes, I'm at the top and I broke their billboard records and is currently leading them. Yes, I'm famous and popular like them but, I'm still human. I'm famous and rich but, still a girl who's heart is fragile.

But, now It wont anymore.

I'm in my dressing room, staring at the mirror bluntly. When suddenly, someone barged inside my dressing room like a boar. I turned around and realized it was my brother, Wow I didn't expect him to be here

Doyoung-"Hello there, my little sister!" He grinned, I was about to reply when someone else was following him, it made me widened my eyes to see who the person was.

Jeno-"Hi, Noona!!" It was my younger brother, its been so long since I saw them, Doyoung is our older sibling, his 22, I'm 20 and Jeno is 18.

"Whats the ocassion? You guys surprised me.." I had a genuine smile plastered on my face.

Jeno-"Doyoung hyung wanted to surprise you and take you somewhere." Jeno had a serious look on, honestly he looked good from the past few years. I wonder how was their years without me..

Doyoung-"Correct! So, prepare yourself, we dont have enough time." I was half happy but half confused at the same time, Doyoung can do crazy things with his 'smart' brain of his.

Anyways, I wore simple clothes like a hoodie and jeans then my white gucci shoes. Then, My brothers and I went inside of a van and started to drive off.

"Where are we going?" I asked

Doyoung-"Haneul, first I want you to understand that I'm doing this because, I know you the most. Okay? Please trust me on this one." He replied, wowow. Honestly, I was expecting a 'just wait' or a 'its a secret'. His reply got me overboard

"Okay then."


Doyoung-"We're here." Doyoung, Jeno and I left the van and we arrived at a very dark place, it felt creepy and sad actually.

Then suddenly, a light flashed just across us, Then I realized Jeno and Doyoung weren't beside me anymore, I started panicking.. What the hell did they just put me in?!

"Doyoung?! Jeno?!" I tried to call for them but still, no response.

"I swear Doyoung I'm going to murder you and Jeno I will tell Jaemin to break up with you-" then a voice and a song started playing. And a somewhat curtain fell, then my eyes widened.

I'm in a stage with a ton of audience, the audience were staring at me, Fuck I was more than confused now, first how did I get here? Second, where the fuck are my brothers? And third, What is this all about?!

But, the lightstick that the audience were holding were more familiar to me, it was no other than, BTS' lightstick or the ARMY bomb.

Then a song played. I stood there frozen, as the voice gets clearer and closer to me, This voice is the voice I prayed never to hear again.

Taehyung-"I'm so sick of this Fake love~" he sang, tears started to swell upon my eyes and the he finally showed himself, he was seating on a chair just 5 meters away and I'm there standing frozen like an awkward penguin.

Then, he stood up and walked towards me and pulled me into a tight hug then the audience started shouting and squealing and flickering their light sticks.

Taehyung-"I'm sorry, I'm sick of this fake love.. I want it real." He cried, The audience awaited for me and I didn't know what to do or say.

I looked once at the audience who still really seemed to wait for me, some were already crying but, then I saw someone that stood out from the crowd. It was Doyoung, he pulled out a paper and wrote something. He showed me the paper and smiled, genuinely.

Then, I got it.

I raised up Taehyung's head and kissed him, then the audience went squealing and some were probably crying.

"I love you and will always do, even if you faked loving me." I cried and wiped his tears away. I realized it, because what doyoung showed me gave me conclusions.

Taehyung-"I love you so god damn much, I'm never hurting you again." He said but now, through the mic and then it really got wild.
ps. taehyung with contact lens really Fucked me up.

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