Chapter 7

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I am like decay
I rot the ground that guides your way

- The Pretty Reckless


The town of Sachem Bay would wake up on the morning of Monday the 21st of May, to the news of Chief of Police, Rich Wheeler's death.

Samuel Tenner, now the new Chief of Police, would make a statement for The Sachem Daily newspaper and on the news first thing that morning:

"As many of you didn't know, Rich Wheeler was suffering from terminal cancer. He pushed on like the fighter we all know but unfortunately, he has taken his own life. He's with his family now and may one of Sachem Bay's mightiest heroes rest in peace... In relation to Gracie Davenport's disappearance, search parties have gone on throughout the night. As you all know, this has happened several times before with the deaths of Violet Heckle, Conrad Cooper, Sadie Davenport, Channing Smith, Mae Evans, Winona Palfrey and Katy Merritt. However, it is common knowledge that this has not occurred in a good decade. We are doing everything in our power to stop this heartless acts and bring these children to justice once and for all."

The camera shot disappeared from Samuel Tenner.

Shari Davenport switched off the TV and pulled on her jacket.

She found Lorelei Devereux out at the front of the boarding house, tending to a bright blue truck.

"Is this the baby you told me about?" Shari said, approaching the big old vehicle.

Lorelei winked and gave the truck a hard slap on the side. "You betcha."

Shari grinned at her enthusiasm. "It's a beauty."

"It's a pretty old bitch, that's for sure. Here - you give it a test run. How about you drop me off in the town centre on the way?" She suggested heartily.

"Of course, let's get going!" Said Shari.

The two women slid into the vehicle and set off down the dust road that cut through Secular Woods. At first, the truck groaned reluctantly, until it's growl settled into a smooth purr and she was as good as new.

"I had a rather strange experience last night." Shari said, not taking her eyes off the road.

Lorelei had then window rolled down, looking out of the window into the trees, also not bothering to turn her head to face Shari. Lorelei didn't reply, as if she knew what Shari was going to tell her, so she just continued.

"It was late and I... I saw someone... something."

"Something?" Lorelei repeated.

Shari bit her lip. "Um, yea... I sound like a crazy bitch but fuck it... I think I saw dead people."

"Ghosts?" Said Lorelei. "If that makes you crazy, then I'm the freaking Mad Hatter."

Shari now had the bravery to look at the old woman. "You believe me?"

Lorelei scoffed. "Believe you? Darlin', how the hell you think nobody caught the child killer yet? I don't need to believe you... I've seen it. The people that know, we call them The Wandering. A lot of spirits are harmless. But it's the bad ones that are causing this grief. Them ones, they're the ones that are gonna drag this town into the depths of hell."

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