trust or not

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I looked at my arm which once had a cast on it, how pale it looked. I felt like a hopeless idiot. Just sitting in the conor crying only to when I look up to see Jake

"Have any more secrets you want to tell me," I said angerly. "Just give me 30 seconds to explain that is all I waant," Jake said , I nodded. "Ok you dad called me asking me to help you yesterday at lunch, which I wanted to do, he said he had big bad news and he wanted to make sure that you were stabble before he told you, Carter I didn't know antything about your mom, I knew that there was bad news, but I know you to well and it would have made you sick, If you think for one moment that I don't care about you, you are wrong, you are the best thing that has ever happen to me. Carter I am sorry, please believe me," he said his eyes began to look watery.

"I am so sorry, I " he cut me off.. "Its ok" he reached out his hand pulling me up to give me a hug. "We are a team and we will get through this storm together."Jake said.

out of the cornor of my eye I could see my dad walking over. "Jake can you give us a sec I have more news," He was looking pale. "Its ok dad we are a team" I said grabbing his hand.

"Ok there is no easy way to put this, they will have her in a medicine coma which will give her body a rest she will be in it for about a week then if it doesn't work the hospice is where she will be," Jake suddely began squeesing my hand harder. "It is the last thing they can try, but you are right we are a team, and together anything is possible."

"what are we going to do?" I asked. "sit and watch and pray that this works" dad responded. My heart wasn't racing as bad, it seems now that my feelings toward life are that if you expect the worse you will never be disapointed.

A couple hours went by and Jake and I had gone back into my moms room, dad and I told her how much weloved her as they took her away once again.. "I am going to get things from home, you ok here?" dad said. "Yah we will be fine we are waiting on the news about Summer."

as dad headed home Jake and I fell asleep in the chairs. I had this awful dream of loosing my mom, but deep down inside of me I knew that it may not be a dream it could be reality

"Hey wake up Carter," Jake wishpered, "Summers out of surgery. "

We both began walking fastly down the hall as we turned the cornor we saw Summers dad, "She has cancer, they could'nt get it all," he said crying. "They said though that they will help her and she will make it." I could feel my somach drop, thats what they told my mom and I knew that had to be what Jake was thinking about because his hand was shaking. "She is asleep do you guys mind coming in the morning," "We will be here." I said.

"How does Pizza and a movie sound" Jake said. " Like a cheesy mess" I replied trying to make us smile. "7 sound good." I nodded.

Most people would think that we were going to the movies, but in all reality the pizza was from the hospital cafiteria and the movie was on his iPad. It however was an easy get away from reality. "We should write a book about what we have been through, it would be a best seller," Jake said winking at me. "Yah but we have to change the ending so its happy, I hate sad endings." I said

"We wont have to change our ending everything will work out, it will be an inspirational novel," Jake said waving around his pizza.

Changing Carter WATTY AWARDS 2012Where stories live. Discover now