Support System ~ BTS Pt.1

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Sup•port Sys•tem
A person who one feels provides approval, encouragement, or comfort

RM's P.O.V.
I was beyond excited. I had just gotten a call, a call that the boys and I have been looking forward to. I couldn't process what had just happened, but I know I have to tell the boys and Y/N as soon as possible. I dialed them and told them to meet me at the studio ASAP.

As I hung up I took in a deep breath trying to process what had just happened. I smiled, I genuinely smiled, dimple and all. We were finally making it. All of our hard work was finally paying off.

Your P.O.V.
I threw on my shoes and rushed to my car. NamJoon has just called us and he seemed rushed. He told us to meet him at the studio ASAP. And whatever it was, he got me worried. I hopped in my car and drove to the studio. I got out of my car and rushed to the elevator.

Once the elevator took me to my floor I ran through the check-in and straight through the studio. I didn't even bother to knock. I walked straight in and walked towards NamJoon.

"Are you ok?! What happened?!" I said, he looked at me startled. His eyes went wide, he turned around and I noticed the rest of the boys were here already.

They all stared at each-other and started laughing.

Laughing. Right at my face. I didn't understand what was happening until Hoseok spoke up.

"Y/N, did you barely wake up or is that your daily look?" I raised my eyebrows and I instantly understood.

My eyes went wide as I scurried to the mirror on the wall. I looked at my reflection and shrieked. My hair was in a messy bun. A very messy bun. My baby hairs were sticking up in every direction and I had mascara smudged on my eyes.

I felt myself blush as I excused myself to the restroom in the studio. As I did so the boys busted out laughing again. Which only resulted in me blushing even harder and tripping over a shoe lying on the floor.

Instantly the laughing stopped and the boys rushed over to me.

"Dongsaeng!" Jin.

"Y/N?" Taehyung.

"Are you ok?!" Jimin.

"Someone call 911!" Hoseok.

"She doesn't need to go to the hospital, stop over reacting." Suga.

"You don't know that! She could have gotten a concussion!" Jungkook.

"Guys, stop. Are you ok Y/N?" NamJoon.

I looked up and groaned. Not from pain, but from embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just clumsy. You know the usual."

"Aish, you need to be more careful. One day you're gonna trip and it's going to end you in the hospital." NamJoon said as he helped me up.

He sat me done and checked me. "Just in case." As he had said. After he checked me he straightened himself and looked at us.

Right. We had been rushed here because of something serious. Which I'm guessing isn't as bad as I thought seeing as we had just wasted a good thirty minutes laughing about my appearance.

As NamJoon started speaking I fixed my hair and cleaned the mascara with the sleeves of my shirt.

"I honestly don't know how to say this. But, guys. I was eating some cereal when all of a sudden I got a call from our manager. I don't know how else to word this, but... WE'RE PERFORMING AT THE BBMAS AND WE'RE NOMINATED FOR AN AWARD!"

Hoseok was the first to speak up. Well, he actually yelled. And from there we all stood up and started screaming. A good 20 minutes passed until we settled down and talked about it like civilized people.

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