Addiction ~ Jimin

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the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

Jimin's P.O.V.

I have an addiction. And a strange one might I add. I dance.
No, that's not the weird part. I dance at the most random times and places.

As long as music is playing and I can feel the beat you can count on me to start dancing out of nowhere. I've embarrassed myself and my family many times because of this. I've wanted to stop but someone stopped me. If it wasn't for her I would have probably stopped dancing.

At one point I felt it was a curse, but I learned to love it because if it wasn't for this, I would have never met her.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I love dancing. I joined ballet class when I was 5 just for fun. By the time I was 18 I had to stop. Not because I wanted to. But because I had to. I had been practicing in order to get better and get the lead role in our upcoming play. There would be recruits there so I had to make sure I was noticed. I was getting ready to do a spin up in the air.

As I was about to land I realized my posture was wrong. I freaked out and landed wrong on my ankle snapping it out of place. Obviously, I had to get surgery. And after that, I was scared to dance. As were my parents of letting me.

At times I would want to dance but my parents would not allow it. I thought I would never dance again, of course, that was until I met him dancing in the middle of a store.

The day Y/N meets Jimin ~ Jimin's P.O.V.

I had the day off today and decided to go shopping just so I wouldn't have to be stuck inside all day. As I walked into a Nike store I listened to the song they were playing.

"Not bad." I muttered to myself

"Welcome! Is there any way I can assist you today?" I turned and saw a worker smiling at me.

"Oh, no thank you!" I said as she responded with a smile and a slight bow and turned to greet the others walking in.

As I kept on walking through the work out gear I started hearing the music again. It had a nice beat to it, the rhythm was steady and it sounded like it had some nice choreography. Before I could realize what I was doing I had already started moving my body to the beat. It wasn't till I felt someone else dancing by me that I realized what had happened. I looked up and saw a woman with Y/H/C and Y/E/C. She had nice pink plump lips and seemed to be knowing what she was doing by my side.

She was looking down at my footwork trying to keep up with me. As I felt the beat start to rise I grabbed her and flipped her around me. When she was in front of me again I grabbed her by her hands sliding her under my legs. I put one hand behind my back and grabbed her hand and spun her to face me again. I grabbed her by the waist and threw her up lightly, gripping her a bit. She landed doing the splits in front of me as the music came to an end.

Y/N's P.O.V

I was walking, organizing the shoes during work when all of a sudden my friend grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the middle of the store.

Many were surrounding whatever was in the middle. As we came to a stop by the group, Y/BFF/N held on to my hand and pushed through the crowd.
"Sorry. Excuse us. Coming through!" As we made it to the front I couldn't help but gasp.

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