Switch: Almost Easy

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Twin World

~Maka's P.O.V~

"MAKA, SOUL," a voice calls from somewhere inside the pyramid.

I clutch the sphere against my chest, "Soul what happened?" I remember feeling I needed to run. I woke up on the floor and now I have this feeling in my head telling me to not let anyone touch this thing. When I saw Soul holding the sphere I felt the need to punch him.

Soul rubs his head and looks at me curiously, "you just took off sprinting and I followed you here. You were passed out and that sphere globe thing was just floating in mid air." Soul looks in the direction of the calling voice, "well regardless of that, we need to find the others."

I nod and look at the sphere. It seems to be encasing a ball of dark purple swirling smoke. This is weird looking, what exactly is this thing?

Soul starts walking back out the way we came in. "Crona, Kid," he calls from in the corridors as we walk down them having no clue where we are actually going. It's not dark because of the light from the sphere, but it doesn't change the creepy atmosphere in the air.

"Where are you guys," Crona's voice echoes from the walls.

"We don't know," I reply as we continue down the halls. We keep following each other's voices and eventually meet up together.

Crona looks at the sphere and nods, "that's it."

Kid looks at the sphere and shrugs, "considering dad didn't specify much, I'm guessing."

"So what now," Soul questions looking at Crona and Kid curiously.

Crona shrugs, "I guess we go back to Death."

"Then we need to get going," I say being filled with anxiety. I'm almost home, so close to home.

~Real World~

~Eruka's POV~

Walking away from Medusa's hideout without being detected is even worse than her actually knowing we were there. I pull my hat down covering my eyes. This is going to have a bad relapse, I just know it.

Mizune smiles and hums, "we have to go visit Lord Death now."

I look at her dumbfoundedly, "we're not exactly welcome there..." I start thinking about how we'd just waltz into Death City, stroll up to the DWMA and be slaughtered by the faculty. "Are you trying to get us killed," I croak in disbelief, "again?!" I shake my head frantically, "because sneaking into Lady Medusa's and stealing her spell book isn't bad enough!"

Mizune chuckles and smiles, "I've already spoken to Lord Death, he's waiting for us. He said he's willing to overlook our feud if it means setting things right between the two worlds again." I sigh a bit in relief. I still feel like this will end badly, because things are going too well for us.

-Twin World-


I stare at the children before boredly speaking, "I see you've found the sphere." I tap my fingers against my desk, "for our end of the spell to work, we need the sphere, a powerful witch, and the person who doesn't belong in this world." We have the sphere, Maka, and Witch Eruka on our side for now. This should be all we need.

"Bring the sphere to me son," I murmur as I stare at the sphere curiously. I've never actually seen a Twin World Sphere up close, I've only ever heard of their existence. Maka reluctantly gives the sphere to Kid. He then walks to me and sets it in my hands. Looking at Spirit I speak before observing the sphere again, "summon Witch Eurka. The rest of you are dismissed, however I wouldn't go far, I may be needing your presence soon."

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