Chapter 12-Down The Road

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Logan's P.O.V.

Holy shit... so I'm graduating? It's happening? That just seems so weird to me...

"Logan get up, you're not missing your last day of school" I heard my mom say through my bedroom door.

"I've been up, mom" I laughed a bit. I took one last glance in the mirror before grabbing all of my stuff and leaving to pick up Lynn. Dating her was nice, it just didn't feel as natural to be with her as it was with Hayley. They couldn't keep her locked up due to the lack of proof, but there's still a lot of attention on the situation, luckily they haven't found out anything that would make her guilty. It still hurts seeing her and not being able to do anything though. Lynn doesn't help much in the realm of distraction because my mind still compares her to Hayley. I went through the motions and got through the day alright. I've gotten better at resisting the urge to talk to the love of my life, but I can tell I'm hurting her. She knows why I'm with Lynn and she hates it, but she knows it's better than me not being with Lynn. It's just not fair.

"You're officially done with school. How does it feel, babe?" Lynn asked as she gently squeezed my hand and walked beside me to my car.

"It feels freeing" no it doesn't. "I feel like I can do anything" I can't do what I want to do more than anything.

"Well the world is at your feet" Lynn smiled. And I smiled back. I deeply appreciated her support and honesty, but it also made me feel like shit every second I was with her, especially when we were making out or whenever she'd plan her cute little "adventure dates". I love Lynn, just not the way things are right now and I feel like a dick because she thinks I'm in love with her. It's not her fault though. I led her to believe I felt that way.

"And the world can suck my ass" I said making both of us laugh. I drove Lynn home quickly before heading to work.  I went to the back to clock in when I got a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey Logan! We have a new employee today and I was wondering if you could show her the ropes?" I turned and saw my boss with a pleading smile and a girl behind her looking around. Looked around my age, similar height, bleached hair, and-is that an undercut??? tumblr aesthetic... probably a fellow homo.

"Sure, I'm always glad to help" I said, though I felt the complete opposite. Today was more of a "I want to be alone" type of day.

"Hi I'm Hayley" she reached out and shook my hand. Well my inner monologue is about to get confusing.

"I'm Logan, it's nice to meet you" I said before retracting my hand and looking back to my boss.

"So I'll put you both on reshelving duty. Mark is up front doing register with savanna. We have a bunch of new books in those boxes over there as well as all the ones on the table and the carts that need to be put back. It's been a really chill day so no rush to get everything done" she said. I nodded and I could tell Hayley was already a bit overwhelmed by all the new information. Our boss walked away and we stood around for a moment in awkward silence.

"So it sounds like a lot, but it's a pretty relaxed job I promise" I said. She nodded. "Okay newbie lets get to filling up the carts" I said walking over to the table with the carts next to them. "Just fill up the carts with the loose books" I added.

"That's easy enough" she said.

"What I like to do is fill all the carts and then take them out one at a time to put the books back, rather than all the back and forth" I said.

"Makes sense... So, how long have you been working here?" She asked.

"About two years, it all goes by quickly although sometimes shifts can seem long and boring" I said.

"It seems like a nice work environment so far and everyone I've met seems nice" she said.

"Definitely" we finished up putting the books on the table onto the carts, but there was still space for more books. "Let's open up the boxes" I said. She grabbed a box and set it on the table. I went back to the clock in area and grabbed the box cutter, opening the box and then setting down the tool.

"If you wanna keep putting books on carts I'm gonna start putting them away, since there's two of us" I said. Hayley nodded and I went out to go shelve the books. We got through putting two carts away before mark brought a shit ton of more books to the back. So Hayley was definitely busy. I tried to get through as many as possible so I could grab the next cart. I probably got through four more carts of books till I started getting asked questions from customers. So much for a relaxing shift... in the end we finally got everything put away and I walked out of the staff area to start heading to the parking lot when I heard a voice.

"Logan!" I turned and saw my new coworker. "Thanks for being nice to me today and giving me the easy work" she said.

"Yeah, sure" I said, smiling politely.

"Look, I'm new in town and I kinda need friends and you seem nice so, would you want to hang out sometime and show me some cool places around town?" She asked.

"There's not much to see, but yeah" I said.

"Cool" she smiled and pulled out her phone. "What's your phone number?" She asked.

"Here I'll put it in" I said as I grabbed her phone. I put in my number and sent myself a text from her phone then handed it back.

"Thanks, I'll see you when I see you" she said before walking off. Who knew I could make friends? Not me.

"Look at you being all awkward while she's trying to flirt" I heard a familiar voice. I turned and saw Hayley. My "ex".

"She was not" I said, rolling my eyes.

"She was until she realized you weren't into it" she chuckled. I looked around frantically.

"You should go before someone see's us talking" I said.

"I know I just miss you" she admitted. That adorable pouty face made its appearance and I sighed.

"I don't want you in more trouble than you already are" I said. This time she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry I miss you, geez. First I have to endure you and little miss Lynn being a cute ass couple, but now I have to see you get hit on by your coworker who's most definitely a lesbian and would most definitely break your heart" she rambled on for a bit before I walked past her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to a secluded section.

"I love you, but you're a fucking idiot" I laughed as I kissed her. Her arms hung around my neck while mine wrapped around her waist. We parted when we ran out of air.

"I'm the one with a college degree excuse you, Goldilocks" she teased.

"I'm sorry you're only saying that because I hurt your pride, firecracker" I teased back. Smiling into our next kiss. It was the first time in a long time. I was so glad our friends cleared up that huge misunderstanding we were having for us. Not having her was killing me.

"After you officially graduate and everything we can be together. You can move into my house and we can visit your parent whenever" she said before giving me a quick kiss. That's when my smile fell.

"Jenna didn't tell you did she?" I asked. I knew the answer though.

"Tell me what?" She asked back.

"I'm moving away for college in August" That's when I felt a hand slap my face hard.

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