Chapter 5-Tripping Over You

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Logan's P.O.V. 

I spent the past two weeks talking the bare minimum to everyone except for Carter, Lynn, and Jenna. Hayley was hard to avoid since she kept making excuses for me to see her after class, but I would always leave anyways. I knew whatever she had to say would just hurt me more so why bother? I don't want to keep doing this just to end up hurt by her. She made it clear we were over so the fact that she's dragging things out even more is just insulting and inconsiderate. I don't want to deal with her bullshit if this is all that it is! It's unfair for her to push me away and then try to pull me back right after the fact. So yeah I've let Lynn get close to me again. It's obvious she still likes me. I don't want to say she's a rebound because she's actually a very amazing person and also I do find her very attractive, funny, and all around awesome, but I don't know what I'm doing. I know I don't love her, but nobody falls in love instantly, right? Sure, there's attraction at first sight, but that's way different. 

On another note, Jenna and Lynn have become really close friends. Carter and I still talk to Zac and the group, but the two that really hang out with us at this point is just Ariel and Zac. Jeremy's usually smoking pot or with his wife Kat. Kat is actually pretty awesome and she's a great mom as far as I can tell. Andy is usually busy with his significant other or going bar hopping with Jack and Alex. Kellin and Vic, who came out about a month ago as a couple, moved to California because Kellin got offered a really high paying job at some hospital and Vic wanted to be closer to his cousins. Zac is still really close friends with Hayley, but he said he didn't want to get in the middle of whatever was happening, which I completely respect. 

"I can't believe you still read the Percy Jackson books" Lynn laughed. 

"Hey!" I protested. "Those books were the shit and they are my childhood" I said.

"Lame" she dragged out. 

"I feel so attacked right now" I said sarcastically before flopping onto my back. We were hanging out in my room since Lynn didn't want to deal with her mom today.  I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with her family life, but I figured she'd tell me when she was ready. 

"Oh really?" She put the books down. 

"Yeah, aside from Scott pilgrim vs the world, those are my favorite books!" I said. 

"Bummer" she chuckled. 

"RUUUUUUDE" I said and she laughed before sitting down next to me.

"Whatever, you love it. That's why we're friends" she said. 

"But that's what Carter is for" I joked as I turned to face her. She didn't do anything super glamorous with her makeup or anything, but she did look nice today. I had to admit, she looked beautiful with her hair up and some of the strands falling out and shaping the sides of her face. 

"Then what am I?" She smirked. 

"I don't know yet" we locked eyes for a moment before I looked away. That was... weird? It wasn't a bad thing, I don't think. Just different I guess. I could still feel her eyes on me. I wiped my sweaty palms onto my pants and looked everywhere, but her. Time felt like it was just dragging on forever in nervousness. That was until I felt her soft hands caress my cheek and turn me to face her. She had a serious look on her face for a moment.

"I don't mind if I'm just a rebound I you, but I've gotta do this for myself" she said.

"Do what-" once again, I was cutoff by her lips. The last time it had happened was just over two weeks ago. This time nothing made me pull away. I started to move my lips to hers. The warmth was something I had missed. The affection was something I didn't know I had been craving, but now I was fully aware. Her lips were slightly chapped, but still soft enough for the kiss to be enjoyable. We fit well together and it felt nice. It felt good. She pulled away and rather than a look of regret or embarrassment, which I often saw from her, she smiled brightly with a slight blush on her cheeks. 

"You kissed back" she stated. I didn't trust myself to talk normally at this point so I just nodded. She smiled even wider.

"Can I do that again?" She asked. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, I just knew it wasn't bad. So, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. This time I moved my body to face hers while we made out more. Her hands fell to my waist while my own snaked around her neck. My breathing was becoming more labored as was hers, but it seemed that neither of us really minded it. She felt warm and welcoming which was a nice change from cold and detached. Like Hayley had been. Oh god, what the hell am I doing?!? I pulled away from Lynn. 

"I-" I started. Lynns smile disappeared. "I don't want you to be a rebound" I finally said. I wasn't sure of how I felt completely about her romantically, but I know I never want to use Lynn. That's just not okay to do. "I don't know what I want right now other than not wanting to make you feel used or unwanted. Because you're not. I do actually care, ya know?" I said. It was quiet for a moment. 

"I understand what you mean. We don't have to label anything or go fast with any of this. We'll keep it at your pace. Honestly, I just want you to give me a chance" she said.

"I do to" I said as I wrapped her in a hug. "You really are amazing, Lynn" 

"You're pretty amazing too" she said. 

A/N: PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE AUTHORS NOTE!!! So I'm pretty sure everyone reading this book hates me. The premise and purpose of this book is going to be more focused on Logan's growth as a person more seperately from Hayley for the most part. They will end up together, but I completely understand if people don't want to read this book anymore. That being said, I'm thinking about starting another book with a sort of imagines type vibe, but filled with HayleyXLogan moments. If I do it I was thinking of making a chapter for everyone to comment requests and stuff like that. So if you like that idea or have any other ideas you think would be cool to do let me know! I'm trying to get back in the habit of updating stories and stuff more, but a huge roadblock I've had has been coming up with good ideas that don't seem so half baked or done just for the sake of putting up a chapter because I used to catch myself thinking more about quantity instead of quality. Honestly, I would rather put up work that I think is good rather than cringing at it later. So let me know your thoughts on all of this! And your thoughts of the book so far! Also, it'd be cool to know more about everybody reading this :) so please leave a comment and a vote! Thank you for your patience and if you actually read through this lengthy paragraph I'm calling an authors note. 


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