Chapter 4-It's a shame

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How can I be doing this right now? I'm supposed to be mad, but here I am. Crying my eyes out on Lynns shoulder while Hayley is literally hiding under the bed. It's been probably an hour and a half since she first got under there and knowing her she's probably feeling very antsy right now. 

"Lynn... thank you so much" I said between sobs. It was starting to slow now but she still rubbed comforting circles onto my back.

"Hey, I can't leave my best friend alone while she's hurting. Even if it is a little awkward" she joked at the end. We both laughed a little and my crying stopped.

"You're gonna have to fight Carter for the title of best friend you know" I said. She chuckled a bit. It was kind of cute, I had to admit. 

"Well then I guess I better watch out" she joked.

"Seriously though, Lynn. Thank you for being here for me and letting me cry a bit" she nodded.

"Anytime" she said sincerely.

"I'll let you go. I still have some stuff I gotta think about and I need some time alone to do so. I'll see you tomorrow though?" I asked hopefully. She smiled sweetly.

"Definitely" she said. We both stood and hugged for a bit before she grabbed her things and left to go home. Not long after Hayley shimmied out from under my bed. Then she started doing this weird dance thing and I laughed.

"It's not funny! My leg fell asleep and I couldn't do anything about it for..." she looked at her phone "for 43 minutes" she said and continued doing her thing. 

"This is totally making me take you seriously" I laughed a little bit. She smiled too, making me hopeful that this was all fixable, but then she quickly put on a serious face.

"Look we need to finish our conversation" she said. Wow. This again.

"Who knew you could actually sound like a teacher" I rolled my eyes. Okay maybe that was uncalled for, but she broke my heart and it's only been a day and I'm mad and sad and too many feels so sass is all I can anchor to right now.

"I know you're hurt, but can we act like adults or at least pretend to be mature?" She said looking at me with a slight pout on her face.

"Fine. Where do you want to start?" I asked, trying my best to be polite.

"I want to let you explain the whole Lynn situation that seems to give her free reign to do whatever with MY girlfriend." She said putting her hands on her hips. She looked confident and it was definitely a turn on- wait... this bitch dumped you yesterday.

"You just said your girlfriend" I pointed out and her confidence faltered

"You know what I meant" she said quickly and went to look at her shoes.

"Look. Lynns getting threatened and bullied at school because she doesn't want to sleep with guys. She's a lesbian and people seem to have a problem respecting that. We became friends in P.E. and I saw the guys bullying her when I was walking out to my car after class. I thought I stopped it by stepping in. Then the next day I saw her walking home with a black eye. She was so scared, Hayley. It broke my heart seeing my friend like that and she told me not to tell anyone. She's been going through a rough time with almost no friends or support to help her through this whole thing so yeah I let her have it easy when she messes up around me. She's already going through enough" I said. Hayley looked down at her hands, but I could tell she was thinking over everything I just said. 

"Logan... I feel for everything she's going through and I support you for caring about your friend, but this doesn't change the fact that I need a break from all the secrecy" she sat down next to me on the bed. What the hell does she mean with all this??? "We should go on a break" she said.

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