Memories (7)

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(based on no episode in particular. Happened in... Merag's memories of her past life (while she was in coma after they returned from the ruins), it might help if you've watched episode 108-109, still partly inspired from im-aggressive's drabble. Any situation you recognize might not come directly from me :p)

Disclaimer: Of course I don't own YGO Zexal, otherwise, IV would be an anti-hero protagonist along with Rio as the heroine, and the anime would be full of dramas instead of card games!


"We need some help over here!" shouted a voice.

Merag didn't even bother to reply and just focused to get her current work done—not completely, just enough to be easily handled by her acolytes, so that she could move on to the one who needed her immediate attention.

It had been happening for two days straight now, ever since the enemy thought that they were prepared enough to face The United Land of Poseidon head on and came marching to the front along with their gorgon monsters, stoned most of their front lines, then proceeded attacking the rest of the army. Nasch ordered to lessen the borders' guard to reinforce their rapidly dwindling forces. Luckily, though, the nature seemed to be in their favor as the maelstrom forced the enemy to retreat after their first battle. In the meantime, Merag tried to restore the stoned guards with her ability. It was yet another challenge for her, and she had only times before the storm subsided. It took her some times, but she actually managed to pull it before their next battle.

But that was just the beginning. Once the gale had died down, the enemy wasted no time on attacking them again. They battled day and night; sometimes it would last for an entire day, sometimes even less than one third of the day, depending on the weather since the battle ensued in their water territory. While Nasch and Durbe tried their hardest to keep the enemy away from the land, the opposing country seemed like they only wanted to cause bloodshed just for the fun of it. Vector, their leader, proudly announced that with booming voice accompanied with his trademark psychotic laugh.

More and more soldiers got wounded in the process and sent back to the castle ground to be tended—which meant more work for her and the acolytes. She was impressed herself at how she had managed to not fall exhausted after all those healing and tending to the wounded. She didn't even get the chance to take a breath and get outside of the castle's hall as she had forgotten the last time she actually did that. Her only interactions were with her acolytes and shouting soldiers asking for help. Even that, after a day of nonstop healing, she stopped replying and reserved all of her energy to move around and fuel her ability. She even neglected her duty to pay respect to the shrine and other villages, but that was the least of her worry.

How long would this carnage continue? Until the men couldn't fight, and she couldn't heal anymore?

The blue haired priestess walked towards the castle's gate and could see that the enemy had started to retreat for the day, and Nasch and his soldiers were regrouping on the shore, cheering and patting each other. Did that mean they had won? No, she wouldn't get ahead of herself. The enemy had probably run out of supplies and decided to retreat and call for reinforcement before eventually coming back here as they seemed so intent on finishing what they had started. Those people were beyond mad, that a no doubt, Merag thought, wiping the sweat from her forehead as she started to walk down the stairwell.

It had reached the second half of summer, where storm and rains would occur often. Today was a little cloudy, but there was no sign of rain—not for today, at least. She always liked rainy days, but with how things turned out lately, she couldn't say she liked it for now. Indeed, the rain and thunderstorm would put their enemy at disadvantage most of the time, but that applied for both of them under certain circumstances. For example, heavy rain would delay their return and thus obstructing the delivery of the wounded to the castle to be tended faster. Not to mention it was quite hard to get fresh, dry cloth to bandage the wound. And what was more frustrating was that didn't seem to stop the enemy anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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