Between Dream and Reality

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(based on no episode in particular, but there might be nods to Tron and IV's conversation in episode 57 & 58)

Disclaimer: Of course I don't own YGO Zexal, otherwise, IV would be an anti-hero protagonist along with Rio as the heroine, and the anime would be full of dramas instead of card games!


IV jerked awake, gasping for air.

The first thing he realized was that he was lying on a soft, fluffy surface—most likely his own bed, covered with another layer of sheet up to his shoulder. His vision was a blur, but he could feel the moonlight poured from the window on the other side of the room, while the chilly night air invaded his bare shoulder.

That's right, he sighed. He was just awakened from a nightmare that involved dueling with a Kamishiro Rio, and then suddenly trapped in a fire. It all felt too real that he could still smell the smoke in his nostrils.

It's just a dream... he told himself.

Slowly, he tried to sat up, and immediately felt a flash of pain radiating from the right side his body as he did so. He started to panic when he realized that his right sight was filled with darkness.

The middle Arclight brother began to hyperventilate as the pain becoming more intense when he moved his left arm to touch the source of the pain—the back of his right shoulder. He flinched when the tip of his fingers was met with a coarse surface instead of smooth skin he had anticipated. He knew it wasn't clothing since it was wrapped tightly around his torso, but that would mean...

"You're awake."

The redhead's immediate reaction upon hearing the familiar voice was to shout, "TRON!"

"You've been out for two days straight, you know. Well, seeing how you're so feisty, I guess you're okay, now," Tron said nonchalantly, suddenly appeared by his son's bedside, this time looked solid, still with his trademark folded hands behind his back.

"What did you do to me?! What did—" IV stopped when he choked on his own breathing.

Tron used the opportunity to explain, "You did well, Thomas. Just be thankful that I took all the trouble getting you out of there and treating your wounds."

"What the f—" demanded IV, but couldn't quite finish his sentence in between his ragged breath, as if someone had punched him in the gut, cutting the air out of his lungs when images began flooding his mind; images of flames, debris, and fresh blood.

"It wasn't a dream, Thomas. You've finished your mission to duel with Kamishiro Rio and almost got burned in the process."

"Duel?" he managed to wheeze out, fear starting to take over his face as his mind began to put the pieces back together. He intended to raise both hands, but only his left hand complied, grabbing one side of his head. He whimpered, at first, and then escalated into a full-scale terrified scream. Red blotches began to stain the bandage covering several parts of his wounded body.

Tron just stood watch by the sideline, not a hint of annoyance at the ear-splitting voice. He was instead looked rather amused by the sight, just like seeing a broken toy went out of control. When IV finished screaming his lungs out, he plopped back onto the bed unceremoniously, breathing heavily.

"If you can't stay still, the wound might get opened again," Tron said quietly.

"The girl... what happened to her?" IV asked in a low voice, his energy dissipated slowly along with his consciousness.

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