Broken Pieces

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(based on no episode in particular. Happened shortly after Zexal I's end)

This chapter was partly inspired from Flakes by pirouetta (it can be found in my 'favorited stories' section of my FF page). I like their writing style! It's full of wordy descriptions that I could only hope to fare with my still-limited vocabularies *sigh* I'm definitely going to get better! Alright! Any situation you recognize might not come directly from me :p

Author's Note: Remember the scene where Chris/V fell by Michael/III's bedside before going into comatose state? (Check the end of episode 56) I'm still wondering as to who put him on his bed (oh, yeah, two more beds appeared magically besides III's for IV and V each), as they were awaken side by side in episode 67. I figured it was probably Thomas, as he was the last one to fall, but, by what means did he transport the beds? I really wanted to write something about that, but I couldn't come up with anything plausible... or even dramatic, so, let's just forget about it and get on with some more IV-Rio's interaction! Hahaha! *evil (frustrated) laugh* Oh, by the way, I did find a nice fic about Arclight brother when they woke up after the coma (the closest I could get with my attempt). It's titled 'Awakening' by SilvorMoon (it can be found in my 'favorite stories'  section of my FF page. Do check it out, it's a really nice family fluff!)

Disclaimer: Of course I don't own YGO Zexal, otherwise, IV would be an anti-hero protagonist along with Rio as the heroine, and the anime would be full of dramas instead of card games!


"You seem awfully cheery today," Ryouga commented when he visited his twin sister's room one afternoon.

Rio, who was still lying while humming on her bed, looked even more cheerful upon hearing the familiar voice. She immediately sat up and said, "Ryouga! Listen! The doctor said that I don't need to wear oxygen mask anymore!"

Ryouga was surprised at first. It had been a while since the last time he had visited his sister as he hadn't been allowed to go out of his room for his injury (which was worse than he had anticipated). He swept the room in one quick glance and found that it was a lot more spacious with fewer machines occupying it. The curtain was drawn open, allowing sunlight to pour over the room. At last, his gaze fell on his sister, who was now sitting straight on the bed; wavy blue hair fell smoothly to her back. Most of her bandages were already removed; leaving only the parts wrapping her arms and eyes.

"Oi, is it okay for you to move that much?" Ryouga asked, taking a seat on the chair by the bedside.

The blunette crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. "Have you been listening? I'm much better now! The doctor even said that I could attend physiotherapy session this weekend. So, I won't have to be bed-ridden anymore!"

Ryouga smiled at the sight. "Well, just don't force yourself, then."

"I miss school so much, you know. I haven't practiced my dueling in the last few months, there's also a lot of schoolwork I need to catch up on..." Rio complained.

"You'll be fine. I mean, even I could pass after skipping most classes, anyway," Ryouga assured.

"Yeah, you passed after two make-up exams, didn't you?"

"Wha—who told you that?!" Ryouga exclaimed, almost falling off the chair.

"Kotori told me a lot in her visits," Rio explained, shaking her head. "Apparently, you've built another nasty reputation while I'm not watching, huh?"

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