Author's Note

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Summary: A collection of oneshots focused mostly on Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal's IV (Thomas Arclight) and Kamishiro Rio


Author's note: first of all, this is my first attempt in writing fanfic! Yes! I finally gave in the temptation and let myself write something that isn't usually my style, using my second language, even! Somebody, clap my back, please! Okay, enough self-consciousness, on to the serious stuff. I'm serious that English isn't my primary language. Therefore, I can't provide you all with appropriate writing. I'm still getting the hang of writing-grammar, so, if you spot anything weird inside, do tell immediately (and, preferably, including correction). Critic and suggestion regarding writing composition is also welcome! And please be gentle! This is my first time writing fanfic. Ever. Honest! Oh, by the way, I was actually inspired by a few short fic about the same pairing, and feeling the urge to write an elaborate one myself to satiate my lust for drama. I'll try my best putting the reference used in this fic, be it from another fanfic or other media. If I missed something, kindly remind me about it! :) By the way, I drew the cover myself! Ehe! ;p


Warning: This fanfic is specifically themed angst for a couple of reasons. The main one is this being a fic dealing mostly of IV's character study. As we all know (or maybe not, which is why I'm explaining it here), IV is quite an interesting character with a lot of undeveloped backgrounds in the anime. Had it been nurtured by my dramatic flair, it would change almost entire aspects of the show, steering it away from its original purposes for promoting the card game. My taste for IV's flavored drama mentions a lot of mental-instability, madness, and self-inflicted blame. There may be some mild profanities, as well as disturbing imageries about blood, wound, and violence. You have been warned. Oh, and also, this fic consists of several oneshots that loosely connected to each other and with the anime. I fancy myself that this is the anime's off-screen moments written in chronological order (I put note on which episode each oenshot was based on, if any). If you're confused reading it, that's probably my fault for popping out random incoherent ideas in the first place. Now, you have been warned, twice.


P.S. To avoid confusion, let this humble writer clarify that IV's actually just an alias, and it's literally read 'four', after Roman numeral. His real name is Thomas Arclight. His brothers are III (Three/ Michael A.), and V (Vee/Christopher A.), father-slash-leader is Tron (Byron A.). Since the names used mostly in the anime were the aliases, I'll go with that for most part of this story. Their real names might be used some times for dramatic effect. Any other names used in this story were from the original anime series, not the dub.


Ah, it took me a chapter to explain everything. Do pardon my anxiety-attack. I figured there won't be many readers, anyway, since YGO Zexal was such a long time ago, not to mention that the pairing isn't exactly canon, nor popular. I just recently watched the entire thing over again out of blue moon and browsed fanfiction and pixiv. One thing led to some other, my muse awakened, and here I am! Okay! Enough stalling and just hit the 'next chapter' button! Enjoy!

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