Entry 23

67 2 0

June 16th 2013

Luke and I are at the airport right now, I can't believe that it's going to be long time with out seeing each other, well I'm gonna go.

Lily pov:

I'm standing here in the airport with Luke. The other boys are far away from us with their family and saying goodbye to them.

"Luke, I don't want you to go" I say holding the tears back in.
"Lily, I have to, this is my dream." He says wrapping his arms around me.
"I hate this band" I laugh joking around.
"Me too" he laughs back rubbing circles on my back.

We stand there hugging each other for awhile, I don't want to let him go but I know I have to.

"Luke, sorry but we have to go." Ashton says.

"Okay" he says sadly

He looks at me with tears in his eyes, I on the other hand is already crying.

"Lily, I love you so so so much, we had ton of drama but it was worth it, I love you." He says

"Luke, I love you too" I say

We kiss and lead to a minute make out session.

"Bye Lily." He says
"Bye Luke" I say

Just like that he walks away and goes into the tunnel leading to the plane.

Crushing on Luke. L.H.Where stories live. Discover now