Entry 15

86 2 0

June 5th 2013:

Hi. I didn't have much time writing in here yesterday. I'm still at Mary's, it's 6:32 a.m. usually I'm not up this early but.. I can't fall back asleep. I'm gonna go! bye.


It was 10 o'clock. Mary was up and so was Carrie. We were all up and playing on our phones. Mary's mom came down saying that she's making breakfast,shes making bacon and waffles.

I'm nervous, from last night. I don't know if Luke stayed over or not. If he did I would make an encounter with him soon.

" Mary" I said
"Yeah?" Mary said looking over her shoulder to look at me.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say pointing up stairs.

I got up from the couch and fixed my hair because it was in the way. I grabbed my phone,then ran upstairs. Mary's mom was sitting In the kitchen reading her newspaper. She waved to me, I waved back.

I walked pass the living room and den. The boys were sleeping in the den. The doors leading to the den were glass, so I could just look over and see if they were there.

I didn't see Luke at all. Maybe he left late last night. I walked straight down the hallway. I scrolled through my twitter, getting addicted to what I was reading.

I bumped into something. I dropped my phone. Really. I looked up and saw Luke.

"Watch were your going Lil" he said chuckling
"Sorry" I started to blush
I picked up my phone.
"So what are you doing to-" I said
I was interrupted by Luke's phone going off.
"Hang on" he said walking away

I stood were I was. Waiting for him to return, I didn't want to intrude on him. Moments later he returned.

"Sorry, that was my mum"
"It's fine" I laughed
"What were you saying before?" he said raising an eyebrow
"Oh..oh yeah. I was wondering what you were doing today?" I asked
"Nothing really, you?"
"Do you wanna hang out, today. we could cat-" his phone went off

"Hello?" he said
"No I can't"
"I'm at a friends house right now"
"Ok fine, I'm coming over now"

He hung up. He said goodbye to me and stormed off.

Well then.

short chapter sorry!! I have a math final tomorrow and Thursday. soooo I might not be able to update this next 2 days. I'll try too if I have time. I also have a science final on Friday ugh. Okay well goodbye!

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