Entry 18 pov

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A/n: I'm not sure if I should post this, it isn't really good but whatever. There are some depressing parts in here like threats and Cutting. sorry. okay I'll just post this anyway.

I stand up from my desk, I walk over to my phone, which is on the charger. I grab my phone. I'm debating on calling Marisa or not. I wanna see what the hell is going on. Maybe I should call Haley. I have no idea what to do. I stand there thinking for about 20 mins seeing who I should call first, I decide to call Marisa.

I dial Marisa's number. I have her number because I used to tutor her in middle school, hopefully she didn't change her number. The phone continues to ring. Then somebody answers.

"Hello?" the voice says
"Marisa?" I ask
"Yeah, Lily why are you calling me" she laughs.
"I have a question." I say with a shaky voice.
Oh my god I'm so nervous.
"Um.. are.. you and L-Luke still dating?"
There's a pause.
"Yeahhh.Why, what's going on?"
I don't know if I should say anything.
"Lily? you there"
"Yeah I am."
"What's going on then" she asks nervously.
"Well I was hanging out with Luke and he went to go use the restroom and his phone buzzed and I picked it up to turn it off and there was a-a text" I blurt out.
"What did it say? who was it from?"
"It said.. babe I got to go I love you bye. it, it was from Haley."
"OH My god are you freaking kidding me?!?"
"You didn't know?"
"No.. I'm sorry can I text you or call you back. I have to call Luke."
"NO" I yell into the phone
"He doesn't know that I saw the text."
"Well.. what are we gonna do?"
"I... I don't know"
"Lily, I know we aren't great friends, but would you help me spy on him and figure what's gong on."
I laugh, nodding my head. Then I realized she can't see me.
" Yay!! ok I have to go"
"Alright please Marisa don't say anything. should I call Haley?"
"I won't, I promise. Yeah I would"
"Okay, bye"
"Bye Lily"

I hang up. That went better than I expected, I thought she was gonna hate me. I decide to text Haley, she's really sneaky and might add somebody to our call and have a three way call, and me not knowing.

To: Haley :)<3

I wait and I decide to change her contact to.


From: Haley
To: Haley
Why did you text Luke.
From: Haley
We're friends? He's not just yours you know lololol.
To: Haley
But you know he's dating Marisa right?
From: Haley
I know, who cares about her anyway.
To: Haley
There dating, he's cheating then. You knew I like him, you told me not to talk to him. you tricked me, why the hell would you do that? You're pathetic, you want him to urself.
From: Haley
Yeah I did Trick you haha little girl I can do what I want. it's sicking of how much you like Luke it gross. He's mine now I can hurt him all I want too.
To: Haley
Your such a fake friend, your like a pest, you won't go away, I wish I could use Fake People Repellent to make you go away.
From: Haley
Go cut some more. Bye

I throw my phone on my bed. She she stupid? She's going to hurt him for no reason. I'm so done with her. We were best friends since 5th grade. Not anymore.

I go to my drawers and grab my blade. I'm so tempted then My phone buzzes with texts I decide to check it.

1 message from Marisa
2 messages from Mary
2 messages from Haley
1 message from Luke

That last notification literally gives me a heart attack. I'm so scared to open it.

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