Entry 13

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June 4th 2013:

Mary is going to have her sleepover tonight, since last night she had to go to her grandparents.
I'm gonna go. I'll write in you later (if I have time too)

Lily :)


Lily POV:

I packed everything up in my pink and white striped bag, that my mom got as a gift for ordering makeup early.

I went in my bathroom. the floor was cold on my feet, I wasn't wearing socks.

I grabbed my tooth brush and my hair brush and put it in my bag.

I went downstairs in my living room.
"Mom?" I called
"Yes lily" she said looking up from the book she was reading.

"I'm leaving now."
"Ok love you,be careful,don't do anything stupid."
"I won't" I gave her a kiss and went out the front door.

I started to walk to Mary's house,she lives about 10 houses away from me. I opened up my phone and texted Mary

I'm walking to ur house rn

I sent the message.

okayyy... Paul is having a couple friends over tonight too ugh

Great. I'm here.

Alright coming.

I put my phone away and walked up Mary's sidewalk. the door opened.

"Hey!" Mary yelled pulling me into a hug.
"Hi" I said hugging her back.

I walked into her house behind her

"Hello Lilly" her mom called from the kitchen

"Hi mrs.Kempton!"

She waved.

We walked down stairs in the basement and set my stuff down.

"Carrie will be here soon" Mary said

We sat on the couch watching t.v. and playing on our phones. it was 8:57pm and Carrie came down the stairs.

"Hey!" she said
"Hi Carrie" Mary said
I waved, smiling.

We went outside in the back to make a bonfire. Paul's friends were already there.
Paul is one year older than us but he has a lot of friends that are in our grade and in his grade... he's pretty popular.. unlike Mary and I.

We sat down.

"Hiiiiiiiiiii Lily" one of Paul's friend said..

"Hi Stephen" I said

Mary and Carrie and Paul's friends were making marshmallows. I wasn't I was on my phone.

I heard a noise from the front yard. A kid in all black,with blonde hair walked up to us.

"Luke!!!" Paul said.
"Paul" Luke said doing a hand shake with paul.

Luke sat down next to Paul.. which was right across from me.. great..wonderful.. help me.

Sorry for the short update, there is gonna be a part two of this chapter coming up. :) bye

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