12° : Cringe

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"Thank you for reporting about this guy, sir. He was known as a pervert that keep lingering around this area. I feel grateful as we caught him today." Two policemen comes to catch the guy that followed me just now right after Guanlin came.

As the policemen walked away with the wanted guy, Guanlin looks at me with full of worries. "Gwaenchana..? He didn't do anything to you, right?" He asks while examining overall my body.

"I'm fine.. Urm, Guanlin. Have a cup of tea first before you go back home." I open the door, inviting him inside.

He enters my house shyly. He looks around with amazed gazes. "Is this your house? It's like too big for you to live alone." He compliments my house after walking around the rooms.

I serve him a cup of black tea as that's the only beverage I have left in my house. He takes a sip but stopped as it's too hot for him. I chuckle while looking at him. I take a seat next to him, thanking him for his rescue today. "Guanlin.. I can't do anything if you're not there just now. I feel so grateful that you were there." 

"I'll always help my friends..."

He pauses as someone presses my doorbell a few times after calling my name. I rush to get the door, peeking outside to see who was there. I'm shocked to see Mr Bae comes to my house while panting. Did he run over to be here?

"Mr Bae... How do you get here?" I asked him, helping him to sit on the living chair in my house.

He drinks a glass of water that I gave to him to quench his thirst. "My driver told me that you called me just now. I'm sorry that I didn't answer your call because I dozed off in the car. I thought that there would be anything happened to you." He explains.

"But.. Why Lai Guanlin is here?" He asks after saw Guanlin sat in front of him.

"I called him after I failed to call you. He came and saved me from the pervert guy." I shrugged.

He stays silent as he heard my answer. "Why won't you tell me to follow you until you arrived to your floor?! You know this world is dangerous right? Do you want to act like you're brave enough like boys?" He suddenly throws his tantrums.

I look at him, confused. "But you're the one that don't want to escort me here. You keep on playing with your phone and ignored me in the car. Why I'm the one that should be blamed?" I become angry thanks to him.

"Woah! Stop! Don't fight here. Mr Bae and Lee Hui, shake hands and say sorry to each other." Guanlin interrupts both Jinyoung and I.

"Lai Guanlin, we are not kids. Don't do.."

I stop Mr Bae from complaining by hugging him instead of shaking hands. "I'm sorry, Mr Bae. I shouldn't be mad at you. I will forgive you but will you forgive me?" I ask him.

"I forgive you.. I'm sorry to for being mad at you all of sudden. You must be shocked, right?" He cups my face, staring into my round eyes deeply.

"Eyy.. If you want to make a drama, can you please tell me to go first? It's too cringe for me to watch. Lee Hui, see you at work on Monday." Guanlin walks out from my house after bade goodbye at Mr Bae and I.

I stand a few meters away from Mr Bae as I realized that we were too close to each other. He still haven't broke up with his fiancee so I still don't know about my future with him. I walk away to my kitchen, trying to ignore him for a while to stabilize my feelings.

"You can't love him even though he already break up with his fiancee. He is your CEO, Lee Hui!" I mumble to myself.

"What did you said, Miss Lee?" Mr Bae suddenly asks.

Gosh! Did he heard me just now?

"Nothing.. I think that you should get back home too. It's already late now." I change the topic as I look at the clock that already 11 PM.

"I don't think Mr Kim will take me back home now. Can I stay here for one night only? I promise to get back home tomorrow morning." He snuggles me, trying to act cute to get my permission.

"Nope. Please get back home. A CEO can't live with his secretary." I strictly tell him, getting the door for him to leave.

He suddenly pushes me until I fall on the sofa with him on top of me. I close my eyes, telling myself that this is just a dream. He suddenly steals my next kiss when he stamps his lip on mine. I pushed him away before he deepens the kiss like how he did to me in his room at the office.

"I will give you a chance to stay here until tomorrow morning. But only today! And.. Don't do something like that to me again." I tell him, avoiding to look at him.

I rush to the bathroom, locking myself inside for a while. I take a look at my face in the mirror. Heol! It turns redder than always. I quickly wash my face with water until I cool down a bit. "Don't fall for him that easily. His position is higher than you. And his family is richer than yours. Like his family will approve him to marry an orphan like me." I tell myself quietly.

"Miss Lee! Can I eat the cake in your fridge? My hunger came back." Mr Bae calls me from the kitchen.

I get out from the bathroom, shocked to see him eating the cake without even wait for my answers. I sigh, taking out a blanket and a pillow from the storage box. I put those things on the sofa in the living room. "Mr Bae, you can sleep on the sofa. I'm sorry that I don't other bed for you to sleep on. Use this blanket if you fell cold." I tell him while cleaning up the mess in the living room.

"Can't I sleep with you? I know you have a queen sized bed. I already check on it." He asks with some icing on his face.

I wipe off the icing on his nose and eat it. "It's already occupied with my plushies. So, goodnight." I greet him before locking my bedroom and gone to lie down on my bed.

Will he be fine sleeping on the sofa? Why I'm so worried about him?


Hate You Mr. CEO|| Bae JinyoungWhere stories live. Discover now