Milkweed (Poem)

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I remember running,
I didn't know where I was going,
I can't remember what happened before,
But I knew that there was going to be more;

I was found by a boy,
Who didn't possess much joy,
He took me under his wing,
Even at times where I didn't know where to begin;

He helped me find my identity,
He always told me that I should never look guilty;

For the first time, I saw my heroes,
They wore long black boots,
And beautiful suits,
From that day, I wanted to be a Jackboot;

I met new friends,
Who's minds were all at loose ends,
They believed in angels,
And from then, so did I;

I saw a girl,
Who placed her trust in me,
Who showed me what I couldn't see,
Told me I could be whoever I wanted to be;

She gave me a family,
She became my sister,
I had a father,
And a mother who didn't want me;

With them, I walk through a parade of hate,
Even when it was too late,
I saw the darkness that my heroes hide,
For this, I was glad to be pushed inside;

Through all the seasons and years, we hide,
Many of us and our spirits have died,
People one the outside don't care,
That people here are scared;

I'm tired of being stuck in the now,
The man of the orphans tells me to go find a cow,
I run for my life everyday,
With my sister,
I try my nest to end their hunger;

One day, my sister gave me a seed,
We call it Milkweed,
I told her to keep it whenever she was in need;

The train came here,
It was taking the people nowhere,
I was told to run away,
So my sister and I could live to see another day,
I lost her in a crowd of confusion,
Lines of people making a strange illusion;

In the flash with a loud gunshot,
I was lost in my thoughts;

We have locked out humanity with our deep dark thoughts,
We learn to forget about our hearts,
We now fight to push each other away into the dark;

I walk alone,
My legs grew so tired, they became stone,
Fear was rushed through my bones;

I still lose myself through grim memories,
The pictures of a lost family,
The bloody flood,
My love ones left to die,
My first friend who said goodbye with a lie;

I sit down and sigh,
My weak body can take no more,
From what has happened before,
I look down at my hand,
And I see the one thing I need to help me in need,
The seed,
We called it Milkweed;

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