Hopeless Angels

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I look at all the people waiting,
Waiting for something,
What's the use of lying to them?
They already think angels won't save them,
Can you blame them?;

We are now monsters,
We live life like heatless killers,
We're just waiting out to end our hunger;

We live in fear,
We think our fate is near,
We let the screams hurt our ears,
We let the flames we see burn our tears;

This is how the world is,
We wish for things better than this,
Hope is no longer,
Our lives are now shorter,
Shame has taken over,
And love is no longer a fighter;

No one sees the fearful faces with the held up lighter,
They only see the lost that was given,
By the heavens,
There's no more joy,
They're only here to destroy,
If only it was a different story,
So after, no one would have to be sorry;

But that's not how it works;

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