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There's a wall and it white,
You can design it the way you like,
Take the paint you see,
And throw it into some kind of shape or form,
The way it should be;

Put some pink,
A colour to make you think,
Then blue,
To show what's true,
Now gold,
To show you the importance of growing old;

Use gray,
To help see things in a new way,
Then put black,
Because you never know what old memories could come back,
Throw in some purple,
To help making it eternal;

Now for red,
To remember all that was once dead,
To keep things mellow,
Add some orange,
So this will never be boring,
Because it will come glowing;

With some green,
To keep everything keen,
And finally some silver,
For it will make everything better;

Now it's a wall of colour,
It somehow looks stronger,
If course, that's because everything has been put together;

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